7 Things You Should Never Tell Your Therapist

Therapy is a process of introspection and self-reflection. It requires you to be vulnerable, open, and honest with your therapist because they can help you get to the root of your problems and help you find peace. However, sometimes that means not disclosing everything, like when it might be more appropriate to offer nonverbal cues than verbal ones or when it’s best to hold back on some information for the sake of privacy. Here is a list of things you should never tell your therapist.
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Never Talk about Illegal Activities
Illegal activities include anything from signing into websites that require age verification (such as alcohol or tobacco purchase) to committing crimes such as robbery or murder. Telling your therapist about these activities can lead to repercussions such as being reported to authorities and your therapist losing their license or facing malpractice charges.
Is It worth Being Blunt in Therapy? – Yes and No
The goal of therapy is not just to vent your feelings but also to talk through them with a professional who can help guide the conversation into productive outcomes that will bring peace or clarity over time. However, it may not be helpful to tell your therapist exactly how you feel about them or other people in their office. Instead, express your feelings and allow them to be the judge of how they think about what you’re saying.
Don’t Just Talk about the Facts
Therapists need more than just objective information to understand what is going on within our thoughts and feelings; they also require us to share those emotions with them as well. We need to talk about how we feel in order for them to get a complete picture of the situation.
A mental health therapist can get you out of depression. Click the button below to book your appointment.
Don’t Tell Them that You Want a Prescription
Many people abuse their medication and tell therapists that they need a prescription for something like Xanax or painkillers to calm them down. It is illegal and unethical, and it could potentially put your therapist in danger of losing his/ her license if they comply with your demands.
You Can’t Give Me a Diagnosis
Don’t tell your therapist that they can’t give you any diagnosis or label for what is happening. This can make them think they are incompetent as professionals and prevent them from doing their job correctly. Therapists should help people work through their problems without being told that they are not capable of labeling. They are trained to assist people in dealing with specific situations or issues, but they don’t have to diagnose all cases.
You Can’t Tell Me How to Feel
While you may think that your therapist is the person who knows best, they are not. They can help guide us through our feelings, but it’s up to us to make peace with them on our own time; therapists cannot control this for us.
I’m Tired of Talking About This
Avoid telling your therapist that you’re sick of talking about a particular topic and want to talk about something else. It can make the session awkward or frustrating for both parties involved because it could cut off a valuable discussion topic or lead to the therapist trying to solve the problem without the proper information. In conclusion, there are things you should never tell your therapist. Doing so could make the whole process less effective and even damage your relationship with them in some cases, which is why it’s essential to keep a few of these tips in mind before going into any therapy sessions.
Tips on How to Behave when Dealing with Your Therapist?
- Be Active – It is not a secret that the more you do, the better results you will achieve. So, if your therapist wants you to complete specific tasks or exercise daily, try as much as you can to do them. Don’t forget about showing up for sessions without fail, as well.
- Voice Your Opinion – If you have some thoughts about the treatment process after a session with your therapist, do not hesitate to share them right away. This way, you will achieve better results in no time. Remember that it is always better to talk than stay quiet all the time.
- Stay Positive – If you stay positive, your therapist will notice it, which can improve the quality of sessions right away. Plus, negativity is contagious, and sometimes even one negative word can ruin a session or two. So, do not forget to smile at least once in a while during your therapy.
- Be Honest and Open – You must trust therapists as they will help you get through all of the difficult times in life. Make sure that if anything happens between sessions, let them know so they can follow up on it at their next session with you. Also, remember to respect confidentiality rules, which are very important for the therapy process.
If you have been experiencing mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, or even insomnia, Mango Clinic is here for you. Our therapist will help you identify and manage symptoms for a better quality of life. For more information, contact us or click the banner below to book your appointment.