How to Explain Your ADHD Symptoms to a Doctor

Everyone sometimes feels overwhelmed, especially if you are an adult dealing with various responsibilities. Taking care of the kids, work, and social activities may decrease energy levels for some time. However, if you can’t concentrate on simple things like reading a magazine or watching a movie, if you are impatient with people, and constantly being late, these can be the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
ADHD can be severe enough to make a person quit their job and end relationships, they may also face various financial and legal problems. Insufficient awareness about this disorder causes people with ADHD to suffer in silence. However, getting diagnosed is imperative if the condition affects your way of life.
But how do you explain your ADHD symptoms to a doctor? How do you know the signs you have to pay attention to, and which are a part of normal behavior? Keep reading to learn how to talk to a doctor about ADHD to make your examination accurate.
Talk to a mental health professional if your inattentiveness, distractibility, or impulsiveness interfere with your daily life.
How to Know if You Have ADHD
There are 18 symptoms individuals can check to determine if they have ADHD. They are divided into two groups.
- Making careless mistakes or failing to pay close attention to details.
- Having trouble paying and sustaining attention.
- Failing to listen when someone speaks to them directly.
- Failing to follow through when given instructions.
- Difficulty in organizing and carrying out tasks and activities.
- Reluctance to participate in mentally taxing activities.
- Repeatedly leaving behind things important for tasks.
- High distractibility.
- Forgetfulness.
Hyperactivity and Impulsivity
- Constantly squirming in the seat or repeatedly tapping hands.
- Leaving the seat when expected to remain seated.
- Becoming hyperactive in situations requiring one to be calm.
- Inability to participate in leisure activities.
- Tendency to often be on the go most of the time.
- Talking excessively.
- Having trouble waiting their turn.
- Blurting out answers before questions are completed.
- Intruding or interrupting others.
Other symptoms may include:
- Frustration.
- Irritability.
- Mood swings.
Note that adults affected by ADHD tend to have more symptoms associated with attention deficit than hyperactivity.
The condition can put affected individuals at risk of drug and alcohol addiction or trouble sleeping and eating. They may also have other related health issues like depression, anxiety, psychotic disorders, learning disabilities, etc. Thus, it’s vital to have the condition diagnosed and treated.
ADHD diagnosis can only be made by a healthcare professional. See a doctor online at Mango Clinic to know if you have ADHD.
Who Diagnoses ADHD in Adults?
To get a diagnosis for ADHD, one can see any of the following professionals:
- Psychologist.
- Psychiatrist.
- Neurologist.
- Internists.
- Family physician.
- Nurse practitioner.
Whether a person gets examined in a walk-in clinic or online, the methodology is the same. Let’s have a look at the process below.
How to Talk to Your Doctor About ADHD
Often, people wait too long before talking to a physician about their ADHD symptoms. It is understandable since most people fear facing the stigma around mental health disorders. However, individuals should trust themselves enough and bring up the issue with their ADHD doctor.
A symptoms check is not the only thing one has to complete to get an adult ADHD diagnosis. Additionally, one should mention all signs associated with the condition as far back as childhood. They should also explain how the symptoms affected their work, school, or home life.
Here is a plan individuals can follow after deciding to discuss their symptoms with a doctor.
- Do not worry about doctors labeling you, they are professionals willing to help you. Even if your symptoms do not qualify as ADHD, it is important to manage them anyway if they make your life challenging. Often, individuals who suspect themselves of having ADHD are mostly right (or have some similar condition).
- Make an appointment. Book a visit with a physician to discuss your symptoms. You can go to a traditional clinic or have an online consultation from home.
- Explain the symptoms realistically. Provide your physician with real-life examples of how the condition interferes with your life. It will help to make a diagnosis and find solutions sooner.
- Be honest. Be honest when describing your symptoms without underestimating or overestimating them. Tell your doctor if you’ve tried any ADHD medication because it helps the physician understand what treatment will work best for you.
- Ask questions. Whichever bothers you about your ADHD symptoms, don’t hesitate to ask for the information and understand your condition better.
ADHD doesn’t have a cure; however, doctors can treat it. And to get the right treatment and support, it is important to talk to a doctor and get a diagnosis. Then, individuals diagnosed with ADHD should visit their physicians regularly for checkups. Living with untreated ADHD can lead to various social problems like trouble working or learning, low self-esteem, or complicated relationships. To avoid these consequences, take a step today and see an ADHD doctor online at Mango Clinic.