What Is Agitated Depression? Everything You Need to Know

Agitated depression (AD) is a term used to describe a major bout of depression that includes agitation-related symptoms. Trauma, stress, and genetic predisposition are all factors that can contribute to agitated depression as well as hormonal changes like those induced by thyroid disorders.
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Table of Contents
What Does Typical Depression Look like?
Sufferers of depression experience feelings of loss of interest and sadness that last for days, weeks, or even months. It’s not like the regular ups and downs of emotions that everyone has to deal with. Depression is a persistent issue, not a blip on the radar. It’s a series of episodes, each lasting at least two weeks, during which symptoms appear. Thus, an episode of depression can last anywhere from a few days to several months or even years.
Signs and Symptoms
Depression has a variety of symptoms, some of which are as follows:
- A gloomy state of mind
- Reduced enthusiasm for or enjoyment in once-favorite activities
- A lack of sexual zeal
- Appetite changes
- Unintended weight gain or loss
- Excessive or insufficient sleep
- Nervousness, irritability, and restlessness
- Sluggishness in speech and movement
- A feeling of exhaustion or low energy
- The feeling of being unworthy or guilty
- The inability to concentrate or think clearly
- Thoughts of suicide or death regularly or a suicide attempt
What Treatment Is Available for Agitated Depression?
If any of the above symptoms sound familiar, you should see a doctor, particularly if they’re interfering with your daily activities. In addition, there are depressive incidents in both bipolar unipolar depression that are associated with agitated depression symptoms, so it’s important to talk to your doctor about whether you have one of these conditions to get an accurate diagnosis.
Agitated depression is also known as mixed depression that includes both manic and depressive symptoms.
Agitated depression is typically treated with a combination of medication and talk therapy. A diagnosis of major depressive disorder is primarily managed with antidepressants, but agitated depression, particularly if it is associated with a bipolar diagnosis, could benefit from mood stabilizers, anti-anxiety, or antipsychotic medications.
As well as helping with mood swings, anti-anxiety medications can ease physical symptoms of agitation and anxiety, such as a rapid heart rate and tense muscles, by helping to stabilize one’s mood. CBT is also used to help people cope with irritation more healthily.
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Causes and Triggers of Agitated Depression
Many factors contribute to agitated depression, including brain chemistry, heredity, emotional distress, early childhood trauma, as well as comorbid mental health problems and environmental factors.
Agitated depression can be triggered by a variety of factors, including the following:
- An unhappily dysfunctional home life
- A sense of emptiness
- Feelings of worthlessness, regret, or inadequacy
- Hormonal imbalances
- Hypothyroidism
- Disorders of the mind like bipolar disorder, anxiety and attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
- Poor coping mechanisms
- Prolonged stress
- Traumatic events
This disorder is frequently the result of a complex interplay of factors. As a result, it’s possible that the causes aren’t always obvious. Some antidepressant medications can cause agitated behaviors in people taking them, leading to agitated depression.
How Agitated Depression Is Diagnosed?
Your psychiatric professional will carefully examine your status by keeping a close eye on your behavior and moods. When determining whether you have agitated depression instead of another condition like bipolar disorder, they will look at your mental and medical health history while learning more about you in talk therapy.
At least two weeks of symptoms, including mental agitation and physical agitation as well as depression-specific symptoms, are required for diagnosis. Agitated depression differs from other forms of mental illness in that the elation, agitation, and activity do not come in waves like they do with bipolar disorder. Instead, the agitation and depression symptoms are present all the time.
Agitation symptoms are also more severe and long-lasting than those of other types of depressive disorders. Mental health care professionals will also look for signs of substance abuse, suicidal ideation, or self-harm in people with agitated depression. It’s important to understand that individuals with this illness are more likely to have these harmful behaviors and thoughts.
Who Is at Risk of Agitated Depression?
According to recent research, people with bipolar disorder are more likely to have agitated depression. A fifth of those who have bipolar disorder also experienced agitation, according to one study. Another study put the number at around a quarter. According to a third study, agitation was present in a third of those with bipolar depression.
Bipolar disorder is characterized by mood swings that alternate between periods of depression and periods of mania. Manic episodes may be accompanied by agitation. If you have panic disorder or clinical depression, you may have the agitated disorder. The same research found a link between panic disorder, depressive symptoms, and suicidal behavior in people with agitated depression.
In one study, women were more likely to have agitated depression than women, and it began earlier in life, lasted longer, and was accompanied by more recurrent depressive episodes.
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Get Help Immediately!
Do you want to learn more about the differences between agitated depression and typical depression? Are you prepared to enroll in a program for depression treatment? If this is the case, Mango Clinic might be able to assist you further. We provide a wide range of mental health services, such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, disorders associated with substance abuse, and personality disorders.
Contact us at Mango Clinic for depression treatment or click the banner below to book your appointment.