Male Hypogonadism Symptoms and Treatments

Mango Clinic Miami knows how important your health is, which is why we’re able to help you find the right treatment options for men’s health. It’s not always known what you need, but our certified doctors can help you understand the best solutions to benefit you. When it comes to men’s health, testosterone levels can have a variety of effects on the male body. While plenty of these effects are normal, some might be a sign of something more; male hypogonadism is one such condition. It’s not always easy to understand, and that’s why acute symptoms and signs are vital.
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Table of Contents
What is Male Hypogonadism?
A regular, healthy man is known to have a good balance of testosterone in their body. It’s a male hormone that, some might say, easily classifies that which makes men what they are. Other than helping the male body with the development of testicles, prostate, and sperm, there are more noticeable things like body hair. Testosterone affects how a male body develops on the whole; the early stages of the human body feature a low count, but its peak is within the 20s range. When adult male becomes older (usually around the age of 40), their testosterone levels begin dropping ever so slightly. It happens over the rest of their lives and how it affects them can vary.
If it feels as though your testosterone levels have decreased for one reason for another, it’s possible you have hypogonadism. Hypogonadism in males is when the body is not producing the proper amount of testosterone. The reasons for why this might be are numerous, but we’ll start by saying that there exist two main forms: primary and secondary.
Primary Hypogonadism and Secondary Hypogonadism
Primary hypogonadism is when there exists a problem within your testicles that is preventing you from releasing testosterone. There are a few ways one can be struck with primary hypogonadism:
- Direct injury to the testes is one of the more straightforward ways to get primary. Damage to only one testicle usually doesn’t cause complete hypogonadism.
- The testicles not dropping is something that can occur during childhood development. If this does happen, it can lead to the testicles not functioning properly, resulting in testosterone problems.
- Klinefelter syndrome boils down to having one too many extra X chromosomes. While males have X and Y each, an additional X or two can cause problems with the development of the testicles, which can lead to an issue in the production of testosterone.
- Cancer treatment can cause men to have lower testosterone, and in turn, a lower sperm count. Many of those who have come out of treatment have been fine, but there are cases of permanent infertility.
Secondary hypogonadism involves the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which are both located in the human brain. This is a condition where the hypothalamus or pituitary gland is not sending the signals to the testicles, thus preventing the release of testosterone, as well as a lack of sperm. How one acquires secondary includes:
- Aging, which makes it a possible and semi-normal thing for those who are older and have had their testosterone levels drop over time.
- Taking certain medications can result in getting secondary.
- Any serious illness or extreme stress can lead to the body not functioning as usual, which can mean not having parts of the brain work to release testosterone.
- Kallmann syndrome and pituitary disorders. Kallmann syndrome is related to abnormalities with the hypothalamus; pituitary disorders involve abnormalities with the pituitary gland which can prevent testosterone release.
Get yourself treated for pituitary disorders. Click the button below to book your appointment.
Male Hypogonadism Symptoms
Symptoms associated with male hypogonadism of both types depend on the stage of development of the male. As early as pre-development, an incoming male child can display potential symptoms due to not receiving enough testosterone during this time. The effects can include underdeveloped male genitals, female genitals, or ambiguous genitals.
Males who are still growing in their early years can experience symptoms of hypogonadism that vary from minor to extreme. These symptoms are often tied to puberty, as this is when it may be revealed that a child has hypogonadism. For example, their voice may not have deepened, or their body hair isn’t growing like it ought to. They may also not develop as much muscle mass, or their breast tissue may grow. One of the more extreme symptoms is if their arms and legs grow at a rate that is disproportionate to the trunk of their body.
Adult males can suffer from similar symptoms to those found in teenage males, such as lack of facial hair and a decrease in muscle mass. However, different symptoms for adults include erectile dysfunction and infertility, as well as emotional changes like lack of concentration and a decreased sex drive.
Male Hypogonadism Treatment in Miami
Before declaring that you have hypogonadism due to a potential symptom or two, you need to check in with your doctor and get a blood test. Your doctor will look you up and down to see if any of your symptoms make sense with regards to your age, height, weight, etc. As for the blood test, it’s usually taken before 10: 00 AM (on your own time); it’s is what your doctor requires in order to make an actual diagnosis as to what you have.
As is expected, combating this disease can be different for younger and older men. A variety of hormones can be injected into boys which stimulates puberty to help in the development of their bodies. Adult men can also be injected with hormones, as well as receive assisted reproductive technology (in case they’re infertile). For each, the type of hormones injected depends on whether the situation is primary or secondary.
The treatment options that exist for hypogonadism also vary, and the already mentioned injection is a well-known option, although needles are not for everyone. Patches that are applied to different parts of the body each time are an option, as are absorbable gels which are also applied to various body parts. There also exists treatment that involves putting a substance between your gums and teeth, as well as a gel that is ingested through the nasal cavity. Each of these options gives the patient a variety of ways to take their medicine, as some options work better for people than others, either due to side effects or pricing.
Get prescribed medications for hypogonadism. Click the button below to book your appointment.
If you think you might need a check-up for low testosterone, come to Mango Clinic Miami, where our certified doctors will be able to help and assist you and provide treatment options best suited to your specific needs. Do not let male hypogonadism affect your life, call us or visit our webpage to schedule an appointment today.
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