Overfocused ADD: Everything You Need to Know About It

Overfocused ADD is a type of ADHD characterized by frequent dysregulation of the anterior cingulate gyrus (part of the brain’s limbic system). The disorder makes it hard for patients to shift their attention between tasks. The common signs of Overfocused ADD include excessive worrying, argumentativeness, and hyperfocus. Patients suffering from overfocused ADD have also shown signs of obsessiveness, inability to adapt to task shifts, and inflexibility in cognitive thinking. The American Psychiatric Association doesn’t officially recognize the different types of theorized ADD, including Overfocused ADD, as separate disorders or diagnoses. But, it’s essential to understand them and know how to deal with their symptoms.
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This article offers a comprehensive look at Overfocused ADD, its symptoms, effects, and treatment options.
Overfocused ADD Symptoms in Adults
The overfocused ADD symptoms in adults don’t vary too much from what children suffering from this brain disorder undergo. However, adults may not get excessively emotional as it often occurs with children.
Some of the changes to look out for if you or your loved one suffers from overfocused ADD include:
- Rigidity in thinking
- Inflexibility in shifting focus
- High resistance to environmental changes
- Excessive worrying
- Feeling stuck in the negative thinking loop
- Missing schedules and failing to tackle some tasks
The hyperfocus traits may also manifest in your relationships, especially initially. While it’s normal for people to focus on their partners’ needs in a new relationship, those with Overfocused ADD often take this trait to the extreme. You may also find yourself diving wholly into your work or hobby and facing a challenge when you try to do different things.
Overfocused ADD Symptoms in Kids
ADHD affects everyone, including children. According to research, up to 6.1 million children aged 2-17 years in the USA had ever gotten an ADHD diagnosis.
Overfocused ADD involves difficulty in changing tasks. Thus, most kids with the condition often show a high level of irritability, stubbornness, and sometimes both. You may also observe a trait of argumentativeness or obsessiveness towards specific tasks and hobbies.
Some of the changes to look out for in kids include:
- Excessively captivated in an art, toy, or video game.
- Missing schedules and failing to tackle some tasks.
- Throwing inconsolable tantrums, especially if you go against their interests.
- Holding powerful grudges against people reprimanding them for minor things.
- Being irritable when corrected slightly.
- You may notice a student who keeps erasing and redoing their work in class. But, they feel pretty upset if you confront them about the behavior.
Mostly, over-focused ADD kids are highly emotional. Thus, they may take a simple “it’s enough” the opposite way and throw tantrums since their brains don’t appreciate shifting gears.
What Are the Impacts of Overfocused ADD?
Hyperfocus ADHD may bring devastating effects for both adults and kids. For instance, you may find it hard to succeed in tasks that require intense mental effort and flexibility. Also, Overfocused ADD symptoms make it difficult to keep schedules, leading to challenges in keeping up with work demands. In extremities, this disorder may lead to job loss or cause poor performance for kids in school. Not treating Overfocused ADD on time may destroy your relationships at home, in school, or at the office.
If you feel Overfocused ADD is bothering you, please get in touch with licensed health experts at Mangoclinic before it’s too late!
Can ADD Be Mistaken for OCD?
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) exhibits characteristics similar to those of Overfocused ADD. For instance, some Overfocused ADD patients may experience hyperactivity while others don’t. Thus, people sometimes mistake ADD for OCD.
The similarity makes it hard to self-diagnose. If you suspect that you or your loved one may be struggling with ADD, it’s better to seek professional help.
Diagnosing Overfocused ADD
The signs of Overfocused ADD don’t always show that you’re having a problem. For instance, feeling attached and caring for your partners’ needs at the beginning of a new relationship is normal unless it’s extreme. To reach a consensus, your doctor will consider whether the symptoms impact your activities at work, at home, or in school. Also, exhibiting at least six (from five in adults) of the symptoms for more than half a year may qualify you for a diagnosis. But, it’s vital to talk to your doctor if you feel you could be having ADHD. The results may be negative, but your physician will advise you on how to go about the struggles you’re having or identify and provide solutions for your problems.
How Do You Treat ADHD Without Medication?
There are no scientifically proven ways to cure Overfocused ADD or any ADHD at the moment. But, different treatment methods, including stimulant medication, dietary changes, therapies, and supplements, can help you manage the symptoms and minimize the effects. A healthy diet may not address the primary issue that causes ADD symptoms in adults and kids. But, research indicates that these measures may contribute to lower ADHD symptoms.
- Minimizing sugar intake
- Cutting down on artificial food additives, colors, and flavors
- Limiting preservatives
- Taking more Omega-3 acids
- Taking more vitamins and minerals
Also, therapies like skills training, psychotherapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy have shown positive results in people with ADHD. Overfocused ADD may make it hard to relate with others and keep your work balance. Don’t wait if you feel you need help. Seek guidance from a qualified physician today.