Growing Out of ADHD: Is It a Fact or Fiction?

ADHD is a condition characterized by three primary symptoms: hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention. While the inability to stay focused on one activity or topic can be overwhelming, it’s hyperactivity that sometimes poses a problem for younger children. The inability to sit still or be quiet can be extremely disruptive even in the home environment. The lack of impulse control can also lead to problems in younger children.
Many of these symptoms or tendencies may change as a child gets older, but they never really go away. As a mental health condition, a person may adopt or grow along with the changes, but many of the symptoms and the result of the impairment will still be present even into adulthood.
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Table of Contents
Can You Grow Out of ADHD?
ADHD continues into adulthood for most people. The ADHD symptoms may change to some degree, but that may be primarily due to the fact that the patient has learned to adapt or control some of their more noticeable behaviors. The behaviors may seem to go away, and for some patients, they may actually diminish significantly until they are no longer a problem. For others, however, the symptoms begin to change as they mature.
As ADHD patient gets older, they can begin to learn how to use their symptoms to their full advantage. Being hyperactive and having the ability to put that extra energy to good use can be extremely beneficial if the person works at a job that requires strength and constant movement. Being able to organize effectively will allow a patient to take full advantage of their impulsivity and inability to focus or pay attention.
What Exactly Is ADHD?
ADHD is among the mental disorders that are characterized by two primary and extremely problematic characteristics. The attention-deficit disorder involves the inability to focus or pay attention to one task or concept at a time. For children, this can make learning extremely challenging.
The second characteristic is hyperactivity disorder. Being hyperactive normally means constant movement. This does not have to mean walking, running, or playing. It can also involve constant talking, fidgeting, rocking, hand gestures, or toe-tapping. If one part of the body is confined, another part will start to move, gesture, or twitch.
The majority of ADHD diagnoses are made in children, sometimes as young as two or three years of age. Adults, however, are also commonly diagnosed. When an adult is diagnosed, it is commonly believed that they were ADHD as a child but were never seen or treated for the condition. Some children may have mild symptoms that were overlooked, while other kids were labeled as “problem children” not realizing they have an actual mental disorder.
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ADHD Impairment
ADHD impairment can last long into adulthood even though many of the symptoms may actually fade away or disappear. Impairment signs can include lack of concentration, forgetfulness, and the inability to maintain a day-to-day routine without having a list of goals to accomplish.
Adults who have ADHD can learn to deal with their impairment issues by making lists of things to do throughout the day. They can also benefit from taking notes during conversations. Paying bills as soon as you receive them or completing tasks as soon as you know they need to be done will eliminate the risk of forgetting about them later.
What ADHD Symptoms Change in Adulthood?
For some patients with ADHD, the symptoms tend to lessen or fade as a person ages. As they mature, the symptoms that were quite prevalent when they were younger may start to pose less of a problem. There are two possible reasons for this. First, they may simply deteriorate as the child’s brain starts to mature.
The second possibility may be that, as an adult, the patient may be better able to cope with their symptoms. This means harnessing the additional energy they have to accomplish more physically-demanding tasks. They are better at staying on top of tasks as they present themselves. Adult who knows they are more likely to be forgetful will often make lists and notes throughout the day to keep themselves on track.
What Does Adult ADHD Look like?
Adult ADHD may not look like childhood ADHD. Quite to the contrary, an adult with ADHD may look like a motivated, highly-driven individual who gets things done. They have learned to control their symptoms and can now use them to their advantage.
On the other side of that, adult who has not learned how to manage their symptoms may be forgetful, depressed, and unable to get the sleep they need to thrive. They may turn to drugs and alcohol to cope. This is a worst-case scenario. It is important to remember that an adult ADHD patient may fall anywhere in the middle of these two examples.
Can You Outgrow ADHD?
You may not be able to outgrow ADHD, but adults are better able to adapt to it. Most professionals believe that there is no real cure for ADHD. Yes, some children and young adults may outgrow the disorder to an extent but it is believed that some degree of symptoms and impairment may last long into adulthood. In most cases, it is believed that children who have been diagnosed with the disorder will carry their symptoms into adulthood. As they mature, they will often begin adapting to the symptoms on their own.
Looking for medicinal ADHD treatment? Click the button below to book your appointment.
ADHD is a mental health disorder and learning disability that affects over six million children and young adults each year. While the symptoms may lessen as they age, many adults will always carry tendencies and impairments that are associated with the condition. Contact us at Mango Clinic for ADHD treatment or click the banner below to book your appointment.