Treating ADHD: Should You Opt for Medication or Counselling?

There isn’t a scientifically proven remedy for ADHD. Even so, the condition can still get treated. Once treated, the individual suffering from ADHD can lead to a healthy life. As is the case with other mental disorders, ADHD doesn’t spell doom. When one gets adequately treated, he/she can live normally.
In this case, “proper treatment” entails taking the necessary medication, as well as undergoing counseling sessions. Also, certain behaviors may have to get enforced. Like any other contentious case, people have raised arguments to support and oppose the effectiveness of both medication and counseling in the treatment of ADHD.
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Some people argue that the available ADHD medications are effective, while others point out that non-drug therapies such as counseling are more effective. Before making a judgment, it’s essential to take a closer look at both interventions.
Types of ADHD Treatments
Medication-Based Treatment
As the name suggests, this intervention entails the use of medicine to treat ADHD. It’s essential to keep in mind that there are two main types of drugs used to treat ADHD. These are stimulants and non-stimulants. There’s also a third type of medication, which is more or less a support drug that works with both stimulants and non-stimulants. The drug works like the analgesics used alongside malaria drugs.
A Breakdown of ADHD Medications
Most people know stimulants as the primary ADD medication. Doctors typically prescribe stimulants in up to 90% of ADHD cases among children. Stimulants work by increasing norepinephrine and dopamine levels between a patients’ brain synapses. The drugs take effect immediately to slow down or reduce impulsivity and hyperactivity.
These drugs provide the opposite effects of stimulant medications. Non-stimulant medication is prescribed to between 20 and 30% of ADHD patients. Unlike stimulants, it may take days before an ADHD patient starts experiencing the effects of non-stimulant medication.
These are not ADD drugs. Instead, they are mostly prescribed as a “side drug.” Often, ADD patients experience anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, and other mental health conditions. Antidepressants are used to help other medications to work effectively. Typically, doctors prescribe antidepressants alongside stimulants.
Looking for medicinal ADHD treatment? Click the button below to book your appointment.
Counseling as an ADHD Treatment
Counseling-based ADHD treatment entails talking to patients or behavioral therapy. No drugs are used during counseling treatment. Here are some of the counseling-based therapies used to manage ADHD.
The treatment entails getting the patients to talk about their feelings with a therapist. This includes their relationships with their colleagues, family members, and any other person that they interact with daily.
Behavioral Therapy
This counseling-based intervention is primarily used to treat ADHD among children. It entails teaching them how to monitor their behavior. In doing so, they’ll be able to make necessary adjustments to those behaviors. The treatment may also involve rewarding positive behaviors.
Support Groups
A support group can effectively be used to treat ADHD among kids. In this case, patients are placed into groups so that they interact with those who are suffering from a similar condition to theirs. The commonality that breeds in such groups makes the members feel that their situation isn’t unique and that they can beat it.
Support groups have been proven to be highly effective in treating ADHD. Often, there’s relief amongst members, which stems from the awareness that other people also suffer from their condition. The motivation that they are not alone inspires them to work towards getting better. Moreover, support groups also make children better in other aspects of their lives. They get to learn crucial life skills such as waiting for their turn, tolerating others, and communicating properly.
The debate about the effectiveness of medication and non-medication therapies in treating ADHD won’t end anytime soon. Each of these therapies has a level of success. Medication may work for a specific case, but not the other, and vice versa. The only way to be sure that the chosen approach works are by observing changes in a patient’s behavior.
Contrary to what you might think, no approach is superior. Research has shown that ADHD treatment is specific to individual cases. Besides, the most effective form of therapy is combining both medication and counseling. It’s also important to talk to your kid while he/she undergoes medication. The medicine will improve the kid’s condition, but it won’t teach him how to behave. Therefore, the debate between counseling and medication in treating ADHD will continue.
ADHD is a common mental condition among both kids and adults. Unfortunately, it goes undiagnosed in most cases. Often, this has a life-long impact on the lives of those who are affected by the condition. Fortunately, diagnosis and treatment can help you live your life normally and achieve whatever dreams you may have. Many ADHD patients have undergone treatment and now live fulfilling lives.
Get yourself evaluated for ADHD by expert doctors. Click the button below to book your appointment.
ADHD or ADD shouldn’t spell doom on you. If you have either of the conditions, do not hesitate to contact us at Mango Clinic for professional help. Visit our website today for inquiries about our services and to secure an appointment.