Common Anxiety Signs and Symptoms

Most people will become anxious at some point. In fact, it is a normal reaction to typical stressful situations in life like financial issues, moving, or changing jobs. Even so, when anxiety symptoms become more serious than the events which prompted them and, affect your life, these might be pointers of an anxiety disorder. The symptoms of an anxiety disorder can become debilitating and significantly affect the quality of your life. Recognizing anxiety signs and symptoms is the initial step towards the effective management of the disorder. Below are the typical symptoms and signs of an anxiety disorder.
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Excessive Worry
Excessive worrying marks one of the standard symptoms of an anxiety disorder. This worrying is mostly disproportionate to the event that triggers it and often occurs as a reaction to everyday situations. For worrying to be considered a sign of an anxiety disorder, it should have occurred on most days within six months and become challenging to effectively control. It must also be intrusive and severe such that it makes it difficult or altogether impossible to handle your everyday tasks. Excessive worrying is mostly seen in people below 65 years, those of low socioeconomic status, and singles.
When you are anxious, a part of your sympathetic nervous system will overwork. This effect starts a cascade of effects all over your body including sweaty palms, a dry mouth, and a racing pulse. The effects are a natural response of the brain when it believes you are in danger and prepares the body to respond to a threat. Though helpful in real danger, these effects are debilitating when they are disproportionate to the threat you are facing. Moreover, most people that suffer from an anxiety disorder do not decrease their arousal after getting agitated as fast as others. This causes their bodies to be in a state of arousal throughout and depletes their body reserves.
Restlessness is a common sign of anxiety in teens and kids. When feeling restless, most people will report an uncomfortable desire to move or a feeling of being ‘’on edge’’. In fact, in a study conducted on kids, 74% of the subjects reported restlessness as their primary anxiety symptom. If you have been dealing with restlessness for most days for over six months, this might be a pointer to an anxiety disorder.
Being easily exhausted is one of the potential symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. This might be surprising for you since most people associate the disorder with arousal or hyperactivity. Even so, fatigue is chronic in some patients with an anxiety disorder while in others, it follows an anxiety attack. Chronic fatigue is often associated with the hormonal impact of an anxiety disorder. Fatigue can also follow the muscle tension and insomnia commonly linked with an anxiety disorder.
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Difficulty in Concentrating
Most people who have an anxiety disorder have difficulty concentrating on the task at hand. This is because their minds are usually preoccupied with searching for a solution for what they perceive as a threat. Over 70% of people with an anxiety disorder report difficulty in concentrating. A few studies demonstrate that anxiety disorders interfere with working memory. This is the memory that helps you retain short-term information. The interference makes it more difficult to concentrate because you cannot remember the information you come across when anxious. These effects cause a dramatic decrease in the performance of those with anxiety disorders.
Tense Muscles
Most patients with anxiety disorders suffer tense muscles though the relationship between this symptom and the condition is not as well understood. Muscle tension in itself likely increases anxiety, but the symptom might also arise from the debilitating fear associated with anxiety disorders. Interestingly, muscle relaxation therapies have been proven to reduce symptoms in people with generalized anxiety disorders. A few studies have also likened the efficacy rates of these therapies to that of cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders.
Avoiding Social Settings
You might be suffering from an anxiety disorder if the fear of being in crowds, worry of people’s judgment, and fear of public humiliation keep you from attending social events. Social anxiety disorder is quite common and often develops in early life. While you might look calm on the outside, you often battle extreme fear on the inside. The aloofness associated with an anxiety disorder, at times, makes someone seem standoffish or snobby though the condition is primarily linked with high self-criticism and low self-esteem.
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Some of the risk factors for anxiety disorder include stress buildup, other mental health disorders, genetic predisposition, trauma, alcoholism, and drug abuse. Before seeking treatment for an anxiety disorder even with the above risk factors and symptoms, schedule an appointment with the doctors at Mango Clinic. They will consider your symptoms and other aspects before diagnosing an anxiety disorder and managing them effectively. Moreover, they will help you know the triggers of your anxiety so that you can avoid it.
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