How to Deal With Weight Issues that Arise from Prescription Medicine?

To humans is sickness. Falling sick is a natural fact of life. You may try your very best to keep up with the best health practices, and still lose the fight against different diseases. The best you can do is to seek appropriate medication once you fall sick. Different kinds of illnesses require various forms of medicine. Some sicknesses are more severe than others. Therefore, we have to use different approaches to tackle different cases. In this effort, we seek medical help from prescription drugs.
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So, what are prescription drugs?
Prescription drugs are pharmaceutical medications that legally require medical prescriptions for dispensation. Over-the-counter (OTC) medications do not require medical prescriptions. In contrast to OTC drugs, prescription medication are more potent.
How about safety? Prescription drugs are safe as long as you take them at the right time, in the right amount, and in the right way. Choosing the correct dose of the drug in the wrong form is unsafe as taking the wrong dosage. Why? Prescription drugs are quite potent. The high potency can bring about severe side effects when you ignore the physician’s instruction.
The side effects common among prescription drugs may include:
- Constipation
- Weight loss or gain
- Skin rashes or reactions
- Diarrhea
- Dizziness or drowsiness
- Dry mouth
- Headache
- Insomnia
- Nausea
- Suicidal thoughts
- Abnormal heart rhythms
- Internal bleeding
- Cancer
Table of Contents
Factors Influencing Individual Side Effects
Side effects do not always come from drug misuse or abuse. Sometimes, the side effects may arise from unrelated factors. In this article, we shall narrow down on dealing with weight issues as a side effect of prescription drugs. To better understand the subject, we have to talk about how prescription drugs cause weight complications.
Factors that cause weight issues:
- Interaction between drugs in a single dose
- Interaction between drugs and food/herbs
- The reaction by the individual to certain ingredients of the drug
- The reaction of an individual to the form or dosage of the drug
- The drug inflicting damage to your tissues to eradicate the disease
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How to Deal with Weight Issues Related to Prescription Drugs
Now that you know how prescription drugs work, you are in a better position to comprehend the next subject. The goal here is not to substitute prescription drugs. Instead, we will discuss how to mitigate the side effect of weight loss or gain. Your doctor has your best interests in mind. He or she can help you determine the best therapy for your situation.
Below are steps to follow when dealing with the weight fluctuations that come with prescription drugs:
- Consult with Your Doctor: This first step is crucial. If you observe any side effects, not just weight fluctuations, your doctor should be your first call.
- Adjust Your Eating Patterns: This step is necessary yet challenging to implement. Despite the difficulty, you must imply this step.
- Avoid Self-Starvation: There is a community that believes starvation is the answer to this weight problem. Contrary to popular opinion, fasting does not help. Instead, it may bring up more health issues.
- Adjust Your Lifestyle and Work Out Accordingly: This is a hack worth trying. It takes more than measuring your intake to address weight issues. Your lifestyle affects many sectors of your life and health. Lifestyle may affect your mood, your sleeping habits, and mental health.
- Plan Out Your Meals: Some prescription medications may have you craving for certain meals. Crash eating or impulsive indulgence is an issue in weight management. At your low moments, the only thing in your mind is quenching your desire for food. Hunger is quite an active instigator. To fight impulsive eating, draft yourself a food timetable. Make the best effort to adhere to your new feeding regime. This organization should not stop you from spicing up your diet. Try to add some exciting but safe meals to your program—everything in moderation.
With the directives above, you can keep your weight in check.
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Weight Loss Treatment, Miami
With different prescription drugs come various weight issues. Some patients lose weight; others make gains. At Mango Clinic, our doctors consider all matters before charting a path forward. Severe weight gain is not healthy. It may lead to heart disease, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and other conditions.
With our weight loss prescription, you can make significant strides in managing your weight. Our health professionals will help you set a diet and exercise program. Call our Miami offices on (305)776-28898 to book your appointment now.
Contact us at Mango Clinic for effective weight loss or click the banner below to book your appointment.