What Are 5 Fun Family Therapy Activities for Building Relationships

For many families, family therapy can help to improve overall relations and even build trust between parents and their children. During therapy sessions, family members will work with a seasoned therapist to help build stronger family ties and healthy communication skills. You will work together to support each other, develop honesty and trust, reduce stress levels in the household, and work together as a unit during and after a crisis. In addition, families learn the importance of forgiving each other and resolving conflicts.
A family therapist may use different family therapy activities to help families open up and connect. Some activities can also be recommended at home to help maintain a healthy and strong family system. Through team-building activities, families can learn to work together, process their feelings, and accept the strengths and weaknesses of every family member to help get the balanced family dynamic back. Here are the top five fun family therapy activities and games that can help you rebuild trust, understanding, and build family relationships.
Family therapy is a smart step to strengthen your family bond. Get in touch with our licensed therapists to start your journey today.
Here are the top five fun family therapy activities and games that can help you rebuild trust, understanding, and build family relationships.
Emotions Ball
Emotions ball is one of the simplest family therapy activities to build trust and foster communication. This activity only requires a pen or marker for writing and a ball. You need to toss the ball between your family members, and every person will describe a time in their life when they felt a specific emotion directly facing them. The emotion ball exercise is mainly used on children and teenagers since it eliminates the pressure of talking about the emotions that people may feel uncomfortable sharing.
It is best to use a beach ball for this activity since it is big enough for the family to write different emotions, and throwing the ball back and forth in a circle is much easier. Be sure to write different emotions on the ball, for instance, lonely, sad, silly, or joyful. Gather your family members into a circle, and then start tossing the ball between the members. When a family member catches the ball, they should describe when they felt the specific emotion. Alternatively, you can also have the individual act out an emotion. The emotions ball exercise intends to help you discuss different emotions with your family, and you also practice listening to each other and expressing your feelings.
The Miracle Question
The miracle question is one of the best family therapy activities for trauma. The exercise helps families to explore their future goals. It is based on knowing the desires, wishes, and hopes of every family member that are rarely discussed. The therapist will ask a miracle question to all family members where they imagine waking up one day from their sleep to discover that all matters of their lives have been sorted out. The therapist will then ask every member the problems that they would wish to solve through a miracle in their dreams. You should talk about miracles that will make them feel lighter, less stressed out, and extremely satisfied with your life. Through the miracle question activity, the wishes, desires, and hopes of every family member will be expressed in front of everyone, and they are able to trust and depend on each other more.
Chinese Whispers
The Chinese whisper activity is one of the best family therapy activities for adults and children. This activity is great for building active listening and responding skills that help to nurture positive relationships among family members. During this activity, the therapist will make all family members stand in a straight line and tell the first or last person in the line a sentence. The family members are then expected to communicate that same sentence with each other, following the line as they whisper so that others cannot hear it. In the end, the last family member should say aloud whatever is communicated to them, distorted as it often is.
Don’t let your relationship bonds get weaker. Let our experts help you because family is everything.
Colored Candy
The colored candy is an exercise that helps families become more comfortable with each other and even their therapist. The family therapist will divide colored candies between your family members, and every person is expected to sort their candies based on their color. Every colored candy is assigned a specific question.
The number of colored candies that every member holds is the number of questions they must answer truthfully. The family members, with the help of the therapist, can answer as many questions as possible. The colored candy activity acts as an icebreaker that helps all family members to get more comfortable with each other and talk about challenging issues with ease.
Magic Key
This activity helps individuals to have a better understanding of every family member. The magic key activity is based on magical solutions to conflicts and problems that arise within a family. The therapist will ask every family member to think about one thing that money can never buy for the family members. Every member then talks about or draws one thing they think cannot be bought by anything. This is one of the best online family therapy activities to try out as a family.
Final Thoughts
Family therapy is important for the whole family. If you need family therapy, you should seek help from a qualified therapist. A professional will help family members to build healthy relationships and relate with each other effectively. Family activities during therapy sessions can teach family members to work together, understand each other better, and process emotions in a healthier manner.
Get Professional Family Therapy Services at Mango Clinic
Family therapy activities for building strong family relations are important parts of the program at Mango Clinic. Our healthcare professionals understand the challenges of the family setup and strive to help families understand each other and appreciate each other better. At Mango Clinic, we know that a healthy family is at the core of a healthy and happy person. Contact us today or book your appointment for family therapy services.