ADD/ ADHD Medications: Vyvanse (Lisdexamfetamine)

Mango Clinic Miami is here to help potential patients find the right medication they need to improve their health. Our medical staff can assist all types of patients seeking stimulants that can help them live a better life. Vyvanse is one such stimulant that can help people who may have ADHD, an eating disorder, or another ailment that can be treated with the drug. While a helpful ADHD treatment prescription drug, it is important to know what the drug does, who it is for, the benefits, and the side effects.
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For many, life can provide plenty of great things, but it can also cause unwanted stress. Whether it’s work, family, friendships, or relationships, there is plenty of reason to be stressed for one reason or another. Unfortunately for some, this stress can affect one’s life in such an extreme way that one becomes less productive and stable. Some people find themselves with symptoms that prevent them from completing work or doing things they want to do, which can be severely damaging to one’s life.
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What Is Vyvanse?
ADHD/ ADD is a disorder that can bring with it symptoms of being unproductive and maybe even less stable than you once were. While it is common for patients to have had ADHD since childhood, it can still develop in adults. Vyvanse is able to treat ADHD symptoms that cause people to lose focus; through taking this medication, a patient will find themselves feeling relief that will allow them to take the next steps towards full recovery.
ADHD is not the only thing patients can use Vyvanse for, as it has a variety of uses that makes it versatile for all patients. If you exhibit similar symptoms of stress, lack of focus, exhaustion, adrenal fatigue, and the like, you can be prescribed Vyvanse legally from a licensed doctor. All you have to do is set up an appointment to speak with a licensed doctor who can evaluate you. From there, you explain to them why it is you think would benefit from having Vyvanse or another type of stimulant.
How Does Vyvanse Work?
Vyvanse, like other stimulants, works by entering your body and targeting your brain’s reward center, which will then allow it to release dopamine. This is vital, as dopamine enables the brain to function as it should, which means a more functioning and productive person. The neurotransmitters in the brain work to provide, as the drug name implies, stimulation to the mind, which will allow for a tighter focus on behalf of the user. By giving the brain the stimulation it craves, the body and mind become alert and properly energized. This translates to a patient being able to stay focused and less restless than they were before, making it a prime prescription drug for treating ADHD and related ailments.
Due to these positive benefits of brain stimulation, drugs like Vyvanse become quite popular with all types of people and not just those that might be who have ADD/ADHD. If you find yourself with overwhelming stress, you can check with your licensed doctor and see if you qualify for stimulants. It can be a very popular legal drug among students, who find themselves unable to handle the pressures of school properly. Due to their legal status and general ease of access, stimulants are available to many people who are able to qualify for a prescription. While this is mostly a good thing, since it means more people are able to receive helpful medication, it can also be a problem in some circumstances, though not usually.
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Vyvanse Risks
While drugs like stimulants are very helpful, it is always essential to understand the risks that go along with them. You should not be taking a stimulant if you are not aware of the possible dangers behind taking the drug, as they can be quite severe depending on the individual. The side-effects associated with Vyvanse include hypertension, erectile dysfunction, nausea, dry mouth, loss of appetite, blurred vision, and muscle spasms. These effects can be unfortunate for anyone, but it is especially problematic for those who already have severe anxiety and stress.
Vyvanse Side-Effects
Physical side-effects are important, but just as vital are side-effects which are psychological in nature. Stimulants are already trying to work on your brain, so having an additional mental issue is the last thing you want happening. Increased alertness and concentration are among the side-effects, which means being even more focused and energized than you should be. You can also find yourself having more significant anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, and lack of confidence, all of which can have an adverse effect on your treatment. The psychological effects of a stimulant can be a major problem, so make sure any and all side effects are reported to your doctor.
Side-effects are a common thing that has become a well-known disclaimer when advertising prescription drugs. However, there is more to these drugs than just common side effects; you can also become dependent, tolerant of, and addicted to Vyvanse. The tolerance comes from taking the drug in large enough quantities that their effect is no longer working. If this happens, you might want to simply increase your dosage, but it might depend on how you are handling the current dosage. This is where dependence and addiction come in; it is well-known that users can become addicted to their medication, and stimulants are no different. Those with addictive histories or personalities are usually not recommended to take stimulants for these reasons.
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If you are interested in Vyvanse or any other medication for your ADD/ ADHD treatment and understand the benefits and risks, then contact us at Mango Clinic to schedule your appointment. You will speak with a licensed physician who will help you understand how stimulants work and which one would be best for you. After an evaluation, you will decide on a type of medication and dosage, which you will be able to pick up at your local pharmacy. You can make your appointment today by calling us at 786-391-0269 or by visiting our website’s appointment page.
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