34 Common Problems Affecting Your Focus (Causes & Solutions)

There are so many things to do, see, hear, and think about in this world. It’s so hard to focus. People who can concentrate and focus always get so much more done than people who can’t. People who can focus can do better in life. But why can’t I focus? Why can’t I focus when it’s time to get down to business? Why can’t I focus in class or at work? These are all valid questions. There are many areas where being good at focusing can confer immense benefits. It could be school, studying, work, or just your favorite pastime – but there is always something out there that you focus on to excel and make an impact in the long run!
There are many ways to improve your focus. For example, you can do more things that you like to do. If you like to play video games, then play video games. If you like to draw, then draw. If you like to talk on the phone, then talk on the phone. You need to do what you like to do. Let’s continue our discussion on this topic.
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Why Can’t I Focus, and What Does Inability to Focus Mean?
The inability to focus refers to having a short attention span and not focusing on a single subject, object, or point for an extended period. If you do not have a clear direction in mind, this is known as fizzy thinking. Focus comes in two forms:
Scattered Focus
Multitasking and scattered focus are associated with broad attention deployments that allow you to accomplish many tasks at once. You clean your room and talk on the phone to prepare your lunch. When high concentration is necessary on a single task, most people cannot easily divide their focus between different things, even though they can multitask. When you can’t focus, it means that your brain can’t switch its attention between different things easily.
Does the Brain Play a Role in Scattered Focus?
With this type of focus, your brain cannot focus on more than one task at a time. Your brain requires time to process one action into working memory and then requires more time for another action to occur. It gets tired of constantly loading and reloading context when your attention constantly shifts between things. Consequently, you become exhausted with no productive results.
Direct Focus
Concentration occurs when you focus on a single thing while disregarding everything else. Through this type of focus, engagement and a sense of purpose can be built for a long time. The key to concentrating on a task is to direct all attention to it. If you focus all your attention on a single issue, it is quite like a laser beam. Direct focus, however, causes you to tune out other input to the greatest extent possible.
What Are the Symptoms of Troubled Focusing?
Many symptoms accompany troubled mental focusing. The most common include lack of proper sleep because the person can’t shut their mind off. The person might also have headaches because of the strain placed on their mind. A person might have difficulty focusing on a task and might not focus on tasks for long periods. They may have nervous ticks and sudden mood swings. Other signs to watch out for include:
- Brain fog
- Inability to sit still in a place
- Fidgeting
- Short term memory deficit
- Procrastination
- Detaching from your work
- Losing things very easily
- Inability to concentrate on a particular focus point
- Lack of mental energy
- Failure to make your own decisions
What Causes the Inability to Focus?
Many issues might be behind your inability to focus, so there are many answers to the question, ‘why can’t I focus?’ Focus issues can be categorized as follows:
- Mental health problems
- General health problems
- Hormonal issues
- Chronic illnesses
- Nutrition and lifestyle issues
Mental Health Issues
Not many people know that mental health conditions can cause an inability to focus. It’s difficult for those with these conditions to stay on task, do good work, and make a living. Fortunately, there are treatment options that can help them clear the haze in their mind and get the ability to focus back.
1. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Children and adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can have issues with focusing on the tasks at hand. While some can have a hard time focusing at school or work, others that have it even find it difficult to concentrate on a task in their daily lives. The symptoms can be mild or severe, so it’s essential to see a doctor if you feel like you may have ADHD. People who have ADHD experience also experience many cognitive deficits, including visual-spatial memory and episodic memory. This may result in a low memory load and difficulty focusing and concentrating.
2. Major Depressive Disorder
Major depressive disorder can make it hard for a person to focus. Imagine you’re normally able to accomplish things quickly and easily, and then one day, you find out you can’t do any of those things. Would you be frustrated? Probably. A person with MDD feels hopeless and sad for extended periods. Due to its status as a mood disorder, MDD affects appetite, sleep, behavior, and mood. In the US, approximately 7.8% of the population is suffering from a major depressive disorder, according to research from 2019. According to a study performed on patients suffering from major depressive disorder using the Perceived Deficits Questionnaire (PDQ), the inability to focus and concentrate is a prominent symptom of depression.
Anxiety can be the reason for brain malfunctioning. Click the button below to book your appointment.
3. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
It is not uncommon for people to feel distracted or unfocused due to anxiety disorders. With poor focus, your mind can jump from one idea to another. From being distracted to unable to focus, you may forget important things. If you cannot concentrate, you can’t fully master a task and make the most of it. You may feel overwhelmed and distracted by an excessive amount of information. Your mind may be racing and wandering, which can be frustrating and exhausting. These symptoms are a sign of anxiety, and you may want to seek professional treatment.
4. Alcohol Use Disorder
Alcoholism is indeed a chronic disorder in which people have difficulty controlling the amount of alcohol they drink. It is not uncommon for those suffering from alcoholism to continue excessive alcohol use despite harmful consequences to themselves and others. Researchers found that alcohol use over a long period is likely to adversely affect many aspects of cognitive functioning, especially memory, thinking, and concentration. Alcohol withdrawal improved cognitive functioning, though.
5. Dementia
Dementia is a condition in which an individual experiences damage or deterioration to the brain that affects their ability to think and communicate. The disorder affects memory, thinking, language, behavior, and judgment. It’s important to note that different kinds of dementia get worse with time and aren’t curable. When someone first begins to experience dementia, they lose concentration and focus. Eventually, they lose the ability to follow conversations and remember words or names.
6. Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that affects someone’s ability to distinguish reality from fantasy. It makes it difficult for the person to create and maintain relationships with others and difficult to determine what is real and imaginary. Thus, most people suffering from this mental health disorder live most of their lives with severe problems, including suicidal behavior, addiction, forgetfulness, and disability. According to a study, approximately 70% of people with schizophrenia have difficulty developing focus concentration and experience cognitive deficits. In addition, these individuals also suffer from memory and attention impairments, causing them trouble focusing on various tasks of their daily lives.
7. Insomnia
Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which an individual has difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or both. Insomnia affects daytime functioning and is often associated with anxiety and depression. Many things can cause insomnia, but often it is a symptom of a medical or psychological disorder. Diet and lifestyle choices and medications and substances such as caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol are the major triggers of insomnia. A recent study of people with sleep disorders showed that it can cause many health problems, including increased irritability, difficulties concentrating, and cognitive deficits. In addition, people with the condition were unable to focus on anything. These health problems can cause many problems in a person’s life. There are many ways to treat insomnia, including behavioral therapy, lifestyle adjustments, and medications. Talking to your doctor is the best way to determine which treatment is best for you.
General Health Problems
Because many other chronic medical conditions can also be at the root of attention difficulties, we’ve included a list of those illnesses below—chronic physical disorders which can cause your mind to drift and become easily fatigued. Remember that this doesn’t always happen, but it’s good to know if you notice any symptoms coming on gradually.
8. Restless Leg Syndrome
Restless leg syndrome starts from a combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors. People with restless leg syndrome have a build-up of the neurotransmitter called dopamine. It is thought that an imbalance of dopamine contributes to this neurological problem. Restless leg syndrome is a disorder that creates unpleasant sensations and urges to move the legs. Restless leg syndrome often interferes with a person’s ability to sleep, leading to extreme fatigue the following day. RLS people often find it hard to fall asleep, do their daily tasks, concentrate on anything, and lack focus due to persistent unpleasant sensations, as RLS symptoms are unable to ignore and become more dominant over time.
9. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome, or CFS, is a medical condition defined by a set of symptoms beforehand, including extreme tiredness and difficulty recovering from activity, muscle pain, joint pain that feels worse than normal after exercise, or being overwhelmed by mental activities. Experts haven’t yet uncovered the causes of CFS, which is idiopathic. Chronic fatigue syndrome and dysfunctional focus seem to be closely related. According to research, chronic fatigue syndrome, especially in adolescents, is associated with impaired memory and concentration.
10. Concussion
Concussions are mild traumatic brain injuries. They occur when there is an impact on the head that affects the brain. In the early stages of a concussion, a person loses mental awareness. In addition to lack of focus, concussions in the brain can cause complications like headaches, migraines, and lightheadedness.
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11. Cushing Syndrome
Hypercortisolism is the other name for Cushing syndrome. An overproduction of cortisol hormone (an important chemical that keeps the body in a fight-or-flight mode) results from this medical condition. Cushing’s syndrome is associated with numerous complications, such as excess weight gain, which can cause devastating health risks. Cushing’s syndrome is linked to problems with concentration, which are mainly the result of extreme exhaustion and pain.
12. Epilepsy
In epilepsy, seizures and convulsions occur without any apparent cause. An epileptic seizure is an excessive electrical brain activity that causes brain hyperstimulation. Epilepsy can be classified as generalized seizures or focal seizures:
- Seizures that involve the entire brain are known as generalized seizures
- Seizures that affect a single area of the brain are called focal seizures
Both forms of epilepsy contribute to cognitive impairment, including the inability to focus and concentrate. Experts believe that abnormal brain activity affects normal mental functioning and that so far, there is no cure for epilepsy. People with it can only manage their symptoms.
Hormonal Issues
13. Thyroid Problems
The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones that carry out important bodily functions. Excessive production of thyroid hormones can lead to thyrotoxicity. The insufficient production of these hormones may contribute to hypothyroidism in some people. Thyroid disorders and conditions can affect our ability to focus and concentrate on the task at hand. According to research, hypothyroidism is known to cause cognitive problems and inability to focus. Those with the condition often feel tired and regularly suffer from a loss of energy. A study has also proven that even within the ‘normal’ variation range of the TT4 hormone (thyroid hormone) can significantly influence the cognitive ability of a healthy individual.
14. Hormonal Imbalance
Hormones are chemicals that function as the critical regulators of the human body and play a crucial role in growth, behavior, cognition, and performance. There are different hormones with different functions in our body, and that’s why one has to take a general approach and think about the organ that these hormones affect directly first. Hormonal fluctuations (androgen, testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen) and the stress hormone ‘cortisol’ are the primary reason for disruptions in focus and concentration due to their fluctuations. But there are other biological reasons, such as factors that influence blood flow or pressure.
15. Certain Medications
Some types of medications can alter the functioning of your brain, making it difficult for you to concentrate. Experts have found a link between reduced focus and the use of certain drugs. The following drugs can affect your brain’s chemical balance and interfere with your ability to focus:
- Antispasmodic drugs
- Sleeping pills
- Antidopaminergic drugs
- Anti-allergy medication
- Drugs for urinary incontinence
- Antidepressants
16. Low Levels of Dopamine
Low dopamine levels in your body could be why it is difficult for you to stay focused, especially if you are constantly asking yourself questions relating to that very concern. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter essential in maintaining focus, productivity, and motivation. Dopamine does this through its ability to connect with neurons that manage memory, attention, and other cognitive processes.
17. Altitude Sickness
Altitude sickness is another name for acute mountain sickness. If they fly too high altitudes (about 8000 ft or more), people may suffer from this condition. An insufficient supply of oxygen causes symptoms in individuals not used to high altitudes. Brain hypoxia occurs when oxygen levels in the brain fall, causing people to lose their mental abilities like processing information, focusing, and concentrating.
18. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
When you breathe in CO, the gas replaces the oxygen in your blood, leading to carbon monoxide poisoning. Symptoms of this poisoning include weakness and a lack of physical energy, dizziness, confusion, blurred vision, or even death.
- Confusion
- Seizures
- Chest pain
- Vomiting
- Weakness
Carbon monoxide poisoning can cause consciousness and concentration problems in the victim. Symptomatically, this is also associated with poor focus and severe memory loss for several weeks.
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Chronic Illnesses
Because many other chronic medical conditions can also be at the root of attention difficulties, we’ve included a list of those illnesses below—chronic physical disorders which can cause your mind to drift and become easily fatigued. Remember that this doesn’t always happen, but it’s good to know if you notice any symptoms coming on gradually.
19. Diabetes
Diabetes can lead to brain fog or an inability to focus. Insulin resistance or insufficiency is a feature of both types of diabetes. Cells use insulin to break down sugars into energy and fuel. Diabetes causes problems for the brain, which depends on optimal blood sugar levels for proper function. Glucose is the most important fuel for the brain, so low blood sugar levels lead to brain fog and cognitive impairments:
- Memory deficits
- Fatigue
- Inability to focus
- Headache
- Lack of concentration
20. Heart Disease
If a person has heart problems, it can affect their brain. Heart problems can make a person have problems with memory and thinking skills. Heart problems can make a person have problems concentrating and even consciousness. Cognitive issues are strongly associated with cardiac diseases and reduce the overall quality of people’s lives. According to Dr. Albert Hofman (chairman of the department of epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health), related cognitive issues are strongly associated with cardiac diseases. Dr. Albert said, “An estimated one-third of all cases of dementia, including those identified as Alzheimer’s, can be attributed to vascular factors.”
21. Heatstroke
One of the most severe forms of heart disease, heatstroke, is a medical emergency. In extreme temperatures, the body can suffer fatal health consequences as major organs and systems are destroyed. Individuals suffering from heat strokes can suffer long-term cognitive impairment, an inability to focus, and disruptive cognitive functions due to neurological responses following the attack.
22. Hypothermia
Hypothermia is a very serious condition that occurs when a person’s body temperature drops below 95 degrees Fahrenheit. People most at risk from hypothermia are children, older adults, and outdoor workers. When the body loses even more heat, it’s at risk for more severe conditions, such as frostbite and gangrene. The effects of hypothermia can last for a long time on the body and brain. It is common for people to have trouble concentrating and focusing their thoughts.
23. Chronic Infections
Many infections and immune responses have very negative effects on the brain. In a few smaller studies, the following viruses are associated with a lack of cognition and inability to focus:
- Herpes virus
- Hepatitis
Research shows that immune system reactions can directly affect concentration, focusing, thinking, and behaving. In other words, you can expect to have a harder time concentrating and focusing on tasks if you are sick! Immune system reactivity and the inflammatory process can cause a lot of discomforts as well.
24. Lung Disease
There are many obstructive and restrictive lung diseases. COPD is a lung disease that makes it hard for your lungs to handle and move oxygen. Lung inflammation is a condition in which your lungs become swollen or irritated and causes shortness of breath. Pulmonary edema is caused by excess fluid in the lungs and can lead to death due to a lack of oxygen. A research study showed that around 60% of the population suffering from pulmonary or lung disease also suffered from cognitive problems, including a lack of focus, inability to concentrate, and even amnesia. The condition can be further complicated if one has to experience these symptoms because they make it more challenging to carry out everyday tasks in addition to experiencing other kinds of trouble that involve the brain.
Nutrition and Lifestyle Issues
25. Malnutrition
Malnutrition is a health condition when the body lacks crucial nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. According to experts, malnutrition has profound effects on a person’s cognitive ability from an early age. The primary impact areas are mood, memory, behavior, and focus. In a study, a group of monkeys was supplemented with a healthy diet. Another group was given a diet of only bananas. The monkeys given only bananas were severely malnourished and did not display signs of healthy growth. By 18 months, the second group of monkeys performed worse in tests that measured memory, behavior, and focus relative to the first group. This study demonstrates that the proper application of nutrition to one’s diet is important to developing a child’s cognitive ability.
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26. Overexerting Yourself
If you’re finding it difficult to think clearly and feel as if you have a fog over your head, then you may be exhausted and overtired. Being overworked can cause your body to produce excessive stress hormones and disrupt your circadian rhythms. Your body has a natural sleep-wake cycle, and if it’s disrupted, you’ll have a hard time staying awake and focusing on your work properly. According to an animal study in nature, lack of sleep and disrupted circadian rhythms causes a potentially permanent loss of brain cells. The study found that 30 days of a disturbed sleep cycle resulted in a 50% loss of circadian control of the cells in the hippocampus. The hippocampus is related to memory and the development of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. This research could explain why sleep-deprived people are prone to accidents, have decreased alertness, and feel mental cloudiness. The discovery could also improve the treatment of mental health and chronic pain.
27. Negative News Programming
There are too many things happening around you in such a fast-paced world. The human brain is naturally inclined to emphasize the bad news more than the good news. How well you focus is a direct result of how you feel. Consider the situation where negative news is circulating a lot. As a result, you are more prone to continuously relate negativity to your conflicts and issues in life, which leads to everything spiraling out of control. People who don’t focus on negative news are usually happier and more content with their lives. They are far less likely to have troubled concentration than those who dwell on negative news and events.
28. Obsession with Multitasking
The art of multitasking is essential, but practicing it excessively can damage your productivity. When juggling multiple tasks, it is easy to lose focus, and you lose focus and attention on important things. Constantly switching your attention from one thing to another also drains your brain and delays your ability to process information.
29. Wasting Time
The brain functions best when it is organized and prioritized. Thus, if you neglect all your deadlines and watch endless episodes of your favorite Netflix shows, you lose focus because you are wasting time. You need a lot of time to train your brain to focus on the essentials and work orderly. But how can you decide which issues are really essential? That’s for you to decide. Spending all your time procrastinating or doing useless activities will easily lead to your brain wandering away from the point of focus.
30. Hunger
When you can’t focus, it might be due to not eating enough and at the correct time. Just as your body needs fuel, your brain does too. If you are skipping meals, following a harsh diet, or not maintaining a healthy diet, this can be detrimental to your brain’s ability to concentrate.
31. Carbohydrate Overload
Sugar is the primary fuel for the brain to keep the neurons going, but too much of anything can be bad. Memory and cognitive functions are affected by excessive sugar levels in the body. Neuroinflammation caused by too much sugar disrupts regular cognitive functions such as focus and concentration.
32. Technology
Be mindful about how many devices you are using simultaneously. Having multiple devices on you can be a major distraction and make you feel exhausted and overwhelmed by the amount of information. So when there are too many things demanding your attention simultaneously, you feel exhausted or overwhelmed, right? Just one thing at a time. Your attention should be focused on one thing at a time without jumping around in every direction possible.
33. Wrong Work Environment
If you cannot focus on your work, you are probably not in the right working zone. Every worker has their own preferences, and one work environment isn’t right for all. The work environment may be too noisy, too hot, too cold, too busy, or too silent for your taste. In cases where your work environment is incompatible with you and it prevents you from fulfilling your responsibilities, it’s high time to take responsibility and adjust it so that it works for you. Wear earplugs at work when the environment is too loud!
34. Nature-Deficit Disorder
Today we are way too busy to put additional effort into our mental well-being. You probably spend most of your days busy with work, staying indoors, or spending all your time on the couch. Not spending time outdoors can greatly impair your concentration and focus. According to studies, interacting with nature for hours can boost memory and concentration by up to 20%.
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How is Being Unable to Focus Diagnosed?
There are multiple possible causes for your inability to focus. Only a mental health expert can make the final diagnosis; there may be various tests to be conducted. Please tell your doctor everything you know about your symptoms, when they started, any medications you are taking, and any underlying diseases you have. A doctor may order specific tests as well as take all the details into account, such as:
- Blood tests for hormone levels
- CT scans of the brain
- EEG of the brain
Your tests and examination results will determine the actual cause of your lack of focus.
What is The Treatment for Inability to Focus?
Inability to focus does not have a standard treatment. In turning to these coping skills, you can gradually improve your ability to focus and concentrate over time, discussed later in the article. It’s best to talk to a medical professional about treating the underlying issues that could potentially be causing you to lose focus and have trouble concentrating. The first step may involve discussing problems that would require a psychiatrist or therapist to diagnose exactly what is going on.
For example, suppose you found that you had trouble concentrating due to anxiety. In that case, it might be for one of two reasons:
- Your brain does not produce enough Serotonin, Dopamine, and Norepinephrine neurotransmitter chemicals, or
- Too many other neurotransmitters are being synthesized (Metabolism)
Whatever the reason, you may need an anxiety medication prescription in some form or another, depending on the particular issue you happen to face.
Are There Any Supplements that Can Help to Increase Focus?
Many supplements contain phytochemicals known for boosting focus and increasing concentration. The best focus-enhancing supplements include:
Bacopa Supplement
Ancient herbalists have used Bacopa Monnieri in medicine for a very long time. There is evidence that this supplement increases brain chemicals associated with memory, concentration, and focus. The supplement may also help protect your brain cells from the chemicals associated with Alzheimer’s disease.
Citicoline Supplement
The body naturally produces citicoline. It is available as a supplement. Supplements such as this were originally developed to help patients recovering from strokes, to improve their memory and focus but are now primarily used as food supplements in the United States. Improved memory and concentration are among the many benefits of taking this supplement.
Huperzine A Supplement
There is an active chemical in Chinese club moss known as Huperzine A. This compound helps produce a brain neurotransmitter called ‘acetylcholine,’ which improves memory and concentration.
Phosphatidylserine Supplements
Phosphatidylserine has been shown to improve mental alertness and memory in older people. This essential compound is made in the body, but it can also be sourced externally from food supplements.
Taurine Supplements
The body produces taurine, which is a critical amino acid. It provides benefits for the heart and brain when taken as a supplement. The use of taurine helps specifically calm the nervous system, thereby increasing concentration and focus.
Vitamin B12 Supplements
Vitamin B12 has been used for centuries in treating mental and neurological disorders. This vitamin helps strengthen the nerves and make them more efficient as they process information from the brain. Only use these supplements under the direction of a certified health professional. Please notify your health professional if you have any side effects or symptoms.
What to Do if You Can Never Focus?
There is no specific treatment for your lack of focus and concentration, but the management techniques listed below might assist you.
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Techniques to Improve Mental Focus
Life is full of ups and downs, making it hard to stay focused. But the ability to focus is one of the superpowers that every person needs to succeed. Here are some tips on how you can increase your attention span and enhance your concentration:
The Pomodoro Technique
Many people who find themselves trying to be productive in a chaotic and busy day may find the Pomodoro technique effective. It comprises four simple rules:
- Decide on what you have to do
- Remove all distractions
- Focus intently
- Take frequent breaks
Engage in Focus-Driven Activities
You can also develop focus more naturally and holistically. Engage in activities that will increase your heart rate, like cardiovascular workouts. This will not only help you stay fit and healthy, but you’ll have a better focus on everything else you try to accomplish throughout the day. You can try activities such as:
- Playing a counting game
- Practice active listening
- Arts and crafts
- Learning something new, i.e. a new language
Avoid Clutter
We advise that you be somewhat of a minimalist in lifestyle and wealth (own goods). Don’t allow your space or yourself to be bogged down by everything from clothing to gadgets and gizmos. It’s okay to let some items go out of your life; this is a great way to keep your mind from being clouded with a cluttered mind. And after all, clutter keeps us from striking up conversations, keeps us from learning about our neighbors, and can often lead us to miss out on the rare moment when life seems purpose-orientated.
Try Helpful Apps
There are many useful applications to help you improve your focus and concentration when studying, doing math, or working on any other tasks. Try the following valuable apps:
- Cold Turkey
- Freedom
- Self-Control
Focus and concentration can be improved through meditation, a proven technique that dates back thousands of years. Meditation has the greatest benefit of reducing stress, which enhances the brain’s function. Meditation activates the phase known as ‘Alpha Brain Waves,’ which helps you focus better and increase your attention span.
Practice Active Listening
Active listening enhances concentration and focus. You may want to try making your own Spotify playlist consisting of soothing listening tracks that can help you improve focus, or you may want to try Spotify’s focus category, which has many tracks you can listen to.
Get Quality Sleep
Sleep is an essential part of a healthy body and sleep disorders are both linked to emotional and physical problems. Brain cells are created, functions are restored, and the materials necessary to perform operations are replenished during sleep. An adult should sleep between 7-9 hours per night to function properly.
Drink Small Amounts of Coffee
Caffeine, a natural substance found in coffee, boosts cognitive abilities. The study found that taking small doses of caffeine or caffeinated beverages can improve your focus.
You can improve your focus by exercising moderately for 30 minutes to an hour, especially cardio. You can focus and concentrate better when you exercise because endorphins are chemicals that ease our stress.
The Bottom Line
It is understandable. It can be hard to stay focused in today’s fast-paced world and the forever “on” society in which we live. The sooner you begin identifying the source of your lack of focus—whether it’s medical impairment or mental disorder—the sooner you’ll start taking baby steps towards treatment and recovery! While there is no magic pill to boost your focus in an instant, there are many direct strategies, along with more indirect methods, to increase your concentration span.
Contact us at Mango Clinic to increase your concentration span or click the banner below to book your appointment.