Do I have ADD or ADHD? Types and Causes

Initially, the disorder was referred to as ADD. More so because previous research showed it only involved loss of attention. But with more research, experts realized that the disorder involved more than the loss of attention. And, therefore, it was renamed ADHD.
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition that affects individuals and causes them to have difficulty concentrating and coordinating activities. It is more common in children, but it also does manifest in adults. If you have ADHD, you will have a hard time socializing at home or school because you will be either overactive or without interest in any activities. Early detection of ADHD is crucial because it increases the chances of managing the disorder effectively.
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Types of ADD or ADHD?
ADD, or ADHD manifests itself in either of the following ways:
- Inattentive ADHD: This involves the inability to pay attention. When you have inattentive ADHD, you get distracted easily.
- Hyperactive ADHD: This type of ADHD involves the inability to contain yourself. You become hyperactive at all times. You also become uncomfortable in situations where you have to stay still for long periods of time.
- Combined ADHD: This is a mixture of both inattentive and hyperactive ADHD. With this condition, you tend to display the signs of both hyperactive and inattentive ADHD.
What Are the Causes of ADD or ADHD?
There is no known cause of the disorder. However, some researchers argue that it can be hereditary or acquired from the environment. Both of these factors are still not definitive. So far, there’s no apparent cause of ADD OR ADHD.
- Hereditary: according to some experts, the disorder can be genetic since one-third of known ADD or ADHD parents give birth to children with ADD or ADHD.
- Environmental: other experts say the environment surrounding an individual can cause them to have ADD/ADHD. The argument finds toxic chemicals like those used in cans for canning foods or furniture, to be responsible for the disorder. Others believe that food additives and sugar play a role in causing ADD or ADHD. Other experts also believe that culture and growing up in a place that does not challenge the brain could be responsible.
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What Are the Signs and Symptoms of ADD or ADHD?
The signs and symptoms of ADD or ADHD depend on the type that you have. If you have inattentive ADHD, your symptoms will differ from those of a person with hyperactive ADHD. Different disorders have similar symptoms. You might confuse ADD or ADHD symptoms with those of other disorders like anxiety, mood disorder, or depression. This is why you must talk to a doctor about your symptoms for a clinical diagnosis. Symptoms of ADD or ADHD are known to reduce with age. However, some do persist even later in adulthood. In some cases, new symptoms manifest later in life. Some of the signs and symptoms of ADD or ADHD include the following:
- Constantly interrupting others
- Fidgeting
- Trouble waiting your turn
- Inability to focus
- Emotional turmoil
- Trouble playing quietly
- Getting easily distracted
- Talking excessively
- Difficulty staying organized
- Always daydreaming
- Easily forgetting and misplacing things
- Constantly making mistakes when performing tasks
- Always avoiding mentally challenging tasks.
How Is ADD or ADHD Diagnosed?
Noticing signs of ADD or ADHD in yourself or your child is not enough. If you suspect that you or your child have ADD or ADHD, please follow these steps:
- Visit a licensed physician for a diagnosis.
- The physician will ask you questions about the signs and symptoms, and you must answer these questions truthfully.
- After the questions, the doctor will do a comprehensive test whose outcome will determine whether you have the disorder or not.
How Is ADD or ADHD Treated?
ADD or ADHD can be treated using either medication or therapy, or a combination of both. Treatment is designed by a specialist, like a psychiatrist or a pediatrician, but your regular GP can monitor the condition. The medications prescribed are not permanent cures, but they will help you manage the symptoms.
With treatment, you may be able to concentrate better, be a lot calmer, and less impulsive. Therapy treatment options include psychoeducation, social skills training, and cognitive behavioral therapy. Diet, supplements, exercise, sleep, and relaxation can also be used in the treatment of ADD or ADHD.
It is never too late to seek treatment for ADD or ADHD. Sometimes, people with the disorder do not know they have it. It is, therefore, the role of those around them to ascertain if there is a need to seek help. The sooner you find out about your diagnosis, the sooner you can start treatment and be on your way to getting better.
Get proper treatment for ADHD from expert physicians. Click the button below to book your appointment.
Remember, there is a range of treatments available out there. If you suspect that you or someone else has ADD or ADHD, seek the necessary help. MangoClinic has experienced professionals that can guide you better about your condition. Book your appointment now and get the medical assistance that you require.
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