ADHD Treatment and Medications: Dexedrine

Mango Clinic Miami can help you get the help you need with your ADHD/ADD treatment and medications such as Dexedrine. We offer a variety of health services for people young and old, whether it’s emotional support animal letters, weight loss, or anxiety. Making sure every one of our patients is in good health and being taken care of is what we strive for. This is why we think it is vital for people to know about amphetamines, what they do, who they are for, and the risks involved, before deciding to be prescribed.
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There is a lot of stress that can come our way, whether we are at work or just enjoying a nice time out with friends. The reasons behind this stress or anxiety are not always known to us, and we can become very nervous or anxious due to how we are feeling. Some people have always had these feelings since childhood, and for others, they have only just recently come up in adulthood. It can be frustrating not knowing exactly what is happening, or why we feel a certain way all of a sudden. It can be even more frustrating for those who have always had these symptoms but have never truly confronted a way to take care of them.
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What Is Dexedrine?
Among the disorders that can be treated with Dexedrine (or dextroamphetamine) is ADHD/ADD. Known to cause high stress, anxiety, and frustration, ADHD is a disorder that is characterized by an inability to stay calm and focused. Those with ADHD are prone to being restless, wanting to always be doing something active, and having an overwhelmingly difficult time concentrating on any one thing, let alone many things. This can be detrimental to not only the individual with ADHD, but those around them, whether they be coworkers, family members, friends, or romantic partners.
Dexedrine can also help those who are suffering from narcolepsy, which is a sleeping disorder. Its most common symptoms are feeling extremely exhausted throughout the day, as well as wanting to go to sleep multiple times in the day. The most famous symptom associated with narcolepsy is falling asleep during the day or at random points during the day. This is, in fact, a very real symptom of narcolepsy, as one with the disorder could find themselves falling asleep during a business meeting or when being out with friends.
How Does Dexedrine Work?
You might be curious as to how a drug like Dexedrine is able to work its magic so well. There are many science intricacies at work, but the simplest illustration is that the drug from the amphetamine family; visits the neurotransmitters in your brain and makes it release dopamine. At its current state, the brain is not releasing dopamine, which causes the brain to be extremely restless, resulting in the symptoms associated with ADHD. By helping the brain release dopamine, activity is actually occurring in the brain, which then allows it to regain its calm, now that it has been granted the activity it was so badly craving earlier.
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With Dexedrine, a user is able to regain their concentration, become alert, and once again, stay focused, which can help someone who has ADHD/ADD or narcolepsy. But Dexedrine is not just for people with those specific disorders. If you happen to be having serious trouble staying focused, concentrating, or staying alert, Dexedrine could greatly benefit you. As long as you qualify to legally be prescribed the drug, there is no reason why you could not make an appointment with your local physician to be evaluated. The legality and helpfulness of Dexedrine is a big reason why college students are fond of taking amphetamine-based stimulants, as they are able to stay focused and concentrated in a high-stress environment. While some might think college-aged individuals are mainly interested in the drug recreationally, many will attest that they use it for legitimate purposes.
Dexedrine Risks and Side-Effects
Dexedrine does provide significant benefits, but they’re also substantial risks involved that every potential user should keep in mind. The most known among these risks are side effects, which come with every type of legal amphetamine being sold and prescribed. These side-effects can include nausea, dry mouth, sexual dysfunction, and blurred vision. However, those are only physical symptoms, as there are also psychological symptoms that can come into play. These can include further anxiety and insomnia, as well as delusions and lack of confidence. It may seem odd to consider, but these drugs can negatively impact your mental well-being. If you find your mental health is being adversely affected, tell your doctor.
One other thing to keep in mind is that these drugs are also well known for causing addiction in some patients, which can lead to overdosing on medication. Addiction stems from dependence, which can start with a body’s tolerance for the drug the user is taking. It is possible that, at some point, your body has become so accustomed to the drug that the effects no longer work. Some users might then decide to increase their dosage, which could lead to dependence, meaning you find yourself needing to take the drug more often. Once you find yourself addicted, it can be challenging to stop, and if it goes too far, you could end up overdosing. While this sort of thing does not happen to every amphetamine user, it does happen at a high enough rate that many potential users should be aware of the possible risks.
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If you think you are suffering from ADHD/ADD don’t wait, get in touch with Mango Clinic for treatment. Our licensed staff of medical professionals will be able to help you get the right medication you need, what to look out for, dosage amounts, and which drugs are right for you. We understand each patient has their own unique reasons for wanting medication, so we make sure to treat each patient carefully and with understanding. Call us on 786 422 9327 or click here to schedule an appointment online or visit our website today.
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