What Causes Anxiety Dizziness, and How to Get Rid of it?

Feeling dizzy is one of the most troubling symptoms associated with anxiety. Currently, approximately 40 million patients suffer from anxiety dizziness in the US. With such a vast prevalence, it is vital to understand the relationships between dizziness and anxiety.
Remember that anxiety is a natural reaction to stress that prepares the human body to freeze, run away or fight. When this happens, there is a sudden alteration in the blood pressure which triggers dizziness or the woozy feeling.
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Join us as we delve more profoundly into the link between anxiety and dizziness and how to go around it.
Table of Contents
How Does Anxiety Dizziness Feel like?
Patients describe dizziness as feeling unsteady, lightheaded, or weak. Another common question surrounding the matter is, “Why do anxiety and dizziness occur together? Although dizziness is one of the most common anxiety symptoms, it is worth noting that it can also “trigger” anxiety. All in all, what are the causes of anxiety dizziness? Experts believe that dizziness starts from the vestibular system in the body. The vestibular system consists of certain parts of the brain, inner ear, and nerves.
Research indicates dizziness happens when a section of the brain responsible for dizziness and another one causing anxiety happens to react. In short, symptoms of anxiety dizziness occur when the vestibular system experiences some abnormality. As a result, individuals may experience a feeling of spinning or motion even when standing still. The reason behind this is the physiologic alternations in the brain.
Other causes of dizziness include low blood sugar, low blood pressure, dehydration, heatstroke, and certain medications. Bear in mind that symptoms get more pronounced if a patient experiences anxiety episodes frequently.
For this reason, it is common to find desperate patients seeking help from all sources. One popular question on the search engines is, “How can I stop feeling dizzy?” It is nearly impossible for a patient to differentiate chronic dizziness vs. acute dizziness. Chronic dizziness is a continuous sensation, while an acute attack happens in isolated cases. Furthermore, chronic attacks occur because of underlying ailments like heart or neurologic conditions.
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What Are the Signs of Bad Anxiety?
Anxiety disorder symptoms differ from one person to the other. However, common warning signs include restlessness, agitation, fatigue, increased irritability, and sleeping problems. In some cases, patients tremble, sweat, breath rapidly, or have trouble concentrating on routine activities.
There are five main types of anxiety-related disorders. These are social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, generalized anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. In recent times, living in a stressful world makes it hard for patients to discern whether they have any of these anxiety conditions or just a bad day at work.
Without proper management, anxiety symptoms may escalate over time and become complicated to treat. Like any other ailment, early treatments guarantee a long-lasting solution. Note that you should consult a reliable therapist before the situation gets out of control. Also, if you experience recurring suicidal thoughts, talk to an expert.
Other grave signs include excess fear of the unknown, low productivity at work or school and overdependence on drugs/alcohol to cope. Luckily, you can train your mind at home on how to minimize anxiety.
First, you can write down your fears and worries on paper. Then, take time to explore the causes of your problems. With this information at hand, you can maneuver around some anxiety triggers and lead a better life.
How to Get Rid of Dizziness Fast?
Several remedies and treatments can help reduce dizziness symptoms. For example, regular intake of some nutrients like iron, vitamin D, C, and E can help improve blood vessels’ elasticity while reducing dizziness.
Ginger is another quick solution for dizziness and motion sickness. You can take it through supplements, ground or fresh ginger, or brew ginger tea. Nonetheless, please consult with an expert before taking any supplements because they can interfere with other medications.
Other options include lifestyle practices such as acupuncture, Epley maneuver, physical therapy, and regular exercise. Mainly, medics recommend concurrent treatment of both conditions. Altogether, you can achieve better results with water pills, anticholinergics, and antihistamines.
Sometimes chronic or acute dizziness can go away without medication. Usually, a human body adjusts naturally to whatever triggers your dizziness after some weeks. For proper diagnoses of anxiety, a qualified mental expert should perform an intensive psychological evaluation.
Additionally, they may request patients to describe their feelings, behavior, and thoughts. That way, it becomes easier to discern any underlying problems leading to eventual solutions.
Looking for medicinal anxiety treatment? Click the button below to book your appointment.
Bottom Line
Coping with anxiety dizziness can be hectic if you do not have vital knowledge on the condition at your fingertips. Therefore, concentrate on finding solutions or effective treatment plans. Most importantly, be consistent with your treatment plan to keep symptoms away. Finally, get support from your loved one, reliable supports groups, or medical institutions.
Contact us at Mango Clinic for anxiety dizziness treatment or click the banner below to book your appointment.