How Long Does Adderall XR Last? Uses and Effects

There are some disorders that people exhibit in ways that do not always seem apparent to others. You may see someone be a bit restless or fidget a lot, but it does not occur to you as to why this is. They may seem more tired than everyone else, or maybe they do not seem as focused. It does not come from common distractions, either; they seem to have a hard time focusing on any one thing and it may get in the way of their work and daily life.
Perhaps this person has been suffering from this disorder for most of their life and they never noticed it before. This person could have ADD/ADHD, which also includes hyperactive behavior. While not uncommon to detect in children, it can affect adults as well. The good news is that, if you are an adult suffering from ADD/ADHD, you are not alone, and this disorder can be treated fairly easily.
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Similarly, a person could seem tired throughout most of the day, but maybe not appear hyperactive. You might catch them dozing off or struggling to stay awake during regular daytime activities. Someone like this could have a disorder known as narcolepsy. A person with narcolepsy is prone to falling asleep at any time, which can include during the day even when among the company of people they know. Like all disorders, you would need to consult with a medical doctor in order to determine if you do actually have narcolepsy.
Mango Clinic Miami can help you with determining whether or not you show signs of ADHD, narcolepsy, or any other type of disorder. With our certified and professional staff of physicians, we can help you find relief options that will work best for you. Once you have gone through a doctor’s evaluation, you will have a better understanding of the disorder and what options you can choose from. In many cases, certain types of medication can be the best help.
Table of Contents
What Is Adderall?
While you may not think to compare ADHD and narcolepsy, they can both be treated with the amphetamine-based Adderall. A combination of salts and enantiomers, Adderall treats these disorders by affecting the nervous system and making changes within the brain. Through cognitive enhancement, one can improve their focus, attention, and response time when taking Adderall.
It is a drug that can truly alleviate the symptoms associated with ADHD and narcolepsy and can allow people to regain their focus while also making them more alert. It is prescribed in low doses and this has proven to be enough for the many who take Adderall to find relief. However, Adderall is also known for being easily abusable, which can form a few different factors. A person can ask that their dosage be increased, and it can be easy to abuse this if you are not careful. People will want to take advantage of medication that not only provides them relief but also makes them feel much better. Adderall is known for producing a euphoric feeling for some, and this can make it tempting for abuse, possibly leading to addiction.
On top of possibly being addictive, Adderall also brings with it more traditional side effects. With any medical drug, it’s important to know of these side effects and understand that they could pose a hazard for you. Some of these side-effects include insomnia, dry mouth, weight loss, erectile dysfunction, and weight loss. As long as you know how much you should be prescribed, avoiding abuse should not be an issue, but it is ultimately up to you and your physician. If you may be prone to abusing the medication, perhaps Adderall is not best for you.
Get yourself evaluated for ADHD by mental health experts. Click the button below to book your appointment.
How Does Adderall Work?
All of us have a brain that houses what is known as a reward center. It’s here where people will get the motivation to do things, which is where the idea of there being a reward comes in. It’s this that motivates us to eat, sleep, drink, and do any number of other things.
What Adderall does is help the brain release more dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps us focus; those who might be suffering from ADHD tend to have a lack of dopamine within their system. This can result in them not having proper focus and unknowingly seeking attention or distractions that the dopamines would normally keep in check.
Adderall is able to stimulate the brain by releasing dopamine that is otherwise being inactive. In this form of dopamine release and further stimulation of brain activity, you are actually able to stay focused and alert. It can seem a bit odd to say that further stimulation of the brain helps with inattention, but it has proven to work for those with ADHD symptoms.
How Long Does Adderall XR Take to Kick In?
Adderall XR (or Adderall Extended Release) is a special form of Adderall that not only lasts longer but is stronger in its effectiveness. Where a normal Adderall IR prescription will need you to take it a few times per day, XR only needs to be taken once every 24 hours to be effective. In fact, you should not be taking XR more than once every 24 hours due to how powerful it is. Abuse of this type can be extremely hazardous to your health, more so than less potent forms of Adderall.
As XR should only be taken once a day, the amount of time it lasts ranges around 12 hours. It then stays within the body for around 24 hours and takes a few days (more than two) to fully leave your system. Since XR is a more powerful version of the usual Adderall prescribed, be sure to speak with your doctor and make sure it is right for you.
Get medicinal ADHD treatment from mental health experts. Click the button below to book your appointment.
You can get in touch with Mango Clinic Miami in case you feel you could benefit from Adderall XR. One of our licensed physicians will be able to thoroughly evaluate you and see if this type of medication is right for you. Remember, ADHD or narcolepsy must be diagnosed by a licensed medical professional, and they are the only ones who can recommend you for any type of medication.
Contact us at Mango Clinic to get Adderall treatment or click the banner below to book your appointment.