Qsymia for Weight Loss: Uses and Side Effects

If you are looking to lose weight, let Mango Clinic help you find the best treatment options for you. Drugs like Qsymia can help patients get the results they are looking for and help them reach goals relating to losing weight and having a healthy lifestyle. We know how important it is to stay healthy and that everyone has different reasons for losing weight. Our staff of medical professionals will make sure you are taken care of by recommending the very best treatment solutions to you.
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Table of Contents
Reasons for Weight Loss
Losing weight is not an easy thing for most people to do. There are many reasons why losing weight might be difficult for you, as everyone has a different reason for why they need to lose weight. It could be strictly health, such as not wanting to have a risk for a disease, or it could be a lifestyle reason, such as wanting to get fit. Regardless of your reason, losing weight is an important thing for many, but it can be difficult for some to do. What makes it more difficult is how progress is usually shown, along with there being many different ways to lose weight. Someone who does not know much about losing weight may be overwhelmed by the options, along with not knowing which treatment is best for them.
What Is Qsymia?
Taking a weight loss pill can be very helpful for some, and Qsymia is one such drug. It helps the body suppress hunger and helps break down food to allow the body to lose weight over time. As a supplement, it can be extremely helpful for those who are having trouble losing weight with other means only. If your BMI (body mass index) puts you at a point where you are very overweight or obese, a drug like Qsymia will help you lose weight in a helpful and healthy way. Like other supplements, it has proven results that show it works when combined with exercise and dieting.
It’s important to remember a few things about weight loss drugs. For starters, it will not magically make you lose weight overnight. The process of these drugs helping you lose weight is something that can take a bit longer than some might expect. It can probably be frustrating for many, but understanding that weight loss pills are intended to work gradually is essential. Too easily can someone start taking weight loss drugs and see that they are only losing one pound or two per week, thinking that the medication does not work for them. However, this is all part of the process and a healthy way of losing weight. Any progress is good, and as long as you are losing weight continuously, there is nothing to worry about.
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Diet and Exercise with Qsymia
In addition to understanding how weight loss pills work, it is essential to understand that only taking the drug is not enough. You cannot simply take this drug and start losing weight without also living a healthy lifestyle. This means making sure you are getting regular exercise while also taking the medication. What constitutes exercise will depend on the individual, since there are no clear cut rules, so long as you are physically active. You can go on walks, hit the gym, or play a sport; your choices for exercise are greater than you might think.
Exercise works best when paired with a good diet, something many people can overlook. Along with staying active, you have to make sure you have a diet that can follow suit and help you on your way to losing weight. Many people recommend having a low-calorie diet, as calories are a major reason behind why someone gains weight. Simply put, the more calories you take in, the more weight you’re taking in, which can add up to fat that stays stored in the body. By eating nutrient-rich foods with low-calories, your body has a better chance of keeping unnecessary weight off. A good diet is a part of what makes up a healthy lifestyle that keeps you in the best possible shape.
Qsymia Side-Effects
Taking weight-loss drugs, along with exercise and eating right, can definitely help you with losing weight and living a healthier life. However, it is essential to remember the side-effects involved with weight loss drugs like Qsymia. Having side-effects is nothing new, but it is always good to keep it in mind before you decide to take a new form of medication.
Some of the most common side-effects associated with Qsymia include :
- Dizziness
- Constipation
- Dry mouth
- Insomnia
Keep in mind that not everyone will have these effects, only that they are among the most common of the ones that exist.
Some other side-effects are also possible, such as :
- Glaucoma
- Mood disorder
- Increased heart rate
These are not as common but are among the more severe side-effects that can affect you.
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Qsymia and Pregnancy
One other thing to mention is that the use of these drugs while pregnant is usually not recommended. This is because the elements of the drug can be transferred into the womb, which can cause complications and health issues with the fetus.
Qsymia can be a major help to patients who want to lose weight, but they should always keep in mind side-effects and supplemental things to do to make the drug as effective as possible. If you are interested in Qsymia or another type of weight-loss drug, get in touch with Mango Clinic. We can have you speak directly with one of our licensed physicians, who will be able to evaluate you and help you come to a decision. No matter your situation, we can help patients lose weight and continue on the path of a healthy and fruitful lifestyle.
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