15 Top Male Birth Control Options: In-Use and In-Progress

When considering a proper family planning method, male birth control options avail a possible solution. And in the past 50 years, there have been talks to further the available options. Although there are numerous options available for the male counterparts to use, many more are under study to provide better and healthier alternatives.
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In the following piece, you get to learn about the 15 top male birth control options available and those under progress.
Below are the contraceptive methods in detail:
Table of Contents
Currently Available Options
Number One: Condom
Wearing a condom during intercourse prevents unwanted pregnancies and a myriad of sexually transmitted diseases. A condom has an 87% success rate of preventing conception.
Benefits of Using a Condom
- The odds of preventing an unwanted pregnancy are relatively high when using a condom.
- Condoms are also a sure way to prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.
- Condoms come in a lot of variety, shapes, and flavors, giving you a range to choose from.
- Also, condoms are easy to use and dispose of; that is, you do not prepare how to use or dispose of a condom.
- Finally, this male contraceptive has no medical side effects, making it a favored option among many.
Disadvantages of Using Condoms
- A large number of males and females are allergic to latex and rubber. Therefore, using the condom exposes them to allergic reactions.
- Also, the process of using or removing a condom can interrupt a rather intense sexual moment, hence is unsatisfactory to many couples.
- Many people, both male and female, have been on record to state that condoms interfere with their sexual intercourse experience.
- Finally, there is a chance that the condom could rupture and fail to serve its intended purpose.
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Despite condoms being the most readily and universally available male contraceptive, they can only do so much. With its 87% success rate, there is a 13% chance of failure. So, how do you minimize the risk of the condom falling on you?
- Never reuse a condom.
- Always check that the condom is not beyond its expiry date.
- Learn how to use a condom properly.
- Always check whether there are signs of damage on the condom.
- Store your condoms in a cool and dry place for preservation.
- Always go for a quality manufacturer.
- Use the right size to avoid condom spillage.
- If you choose to use a lubricant, always use the right one.
- Also, remove the condom immediately after ejaculation.
- Finally, you can never be too safe; check your condom for any damages again before you use it.
Number Two: Vasectomy
Vasectomy is a male contraception method that involves the surgical removal of the vas deferens. This part of the male reproductive system is a tube that carries the sperm. During a vasectomy procedure, doctors remove a small section of the tube, which creates a gap, thus interfering in the flow of sperms.
Since the sperms cannot move around, the semen produced during ejaculation poses no risk of unwanted pregnancies.
Now, you might be asking how effective is a vasectomy?
Well, besides abstinence, vasectomies are the next most effective birth control method. With only 1-2 women conceiving after having intercourse with a partner after a vasectomy, you can count on this contraception method to work 99% of the time.
Advantages of Having a Vasectomy
- When compared to female sterilization, male vasectomy is cheaper and more effective.
- The procedure does not interfere with your sex drive.
- Your semen remains normal.
- And, you recover quickly.
Please note that the vasectomy lowers your sperm count gradually. Therefore, you need to find alternative male contraception before your semen tests negative for sperms. In the first 8 weeks after the procedure, follow up with your doctor to check on the sperm count.
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Possible Side Effects of Vasectomy
Vasectomy is considered to be one of the safest procedures when it comes to contraception. It is even an outpatient service due to its quick recovery rates. However, there is still a slight chance that you could encounter a complication after the surgery. Some of the possible side effects include:
- Bruising of the scrotum
- Mild pain and discomfort
- Swelling
- Bleeding in the scrotum
- Presence of blood in your semen
- Or, an infection on the surgery site
Other long term complications could include:
- Granuloma – Inflammation due to leaking sperms
- Spermatocele – An abnormal cyst that develops in the epididymis
- Hydrocele – Development of a fluid-filled sac around the testicles, which leads to a swollen scrotum
If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above after having a vasectomy, the right step is to contact your doctor immediately.
Vasectomy has no effects on sexual drive, testosterone levels, or erectile functions.
Another concern is whether you can reverse the procedure or not. And the answer is… yes.
However, the process of reversing a vasectomy is not simple and could take a massive toll on your body. Therefore, only go for a vasectomy when you do not want any children in the future.
Finally, how do you lower the chances of failure?
As earlier mentioned, vasectomy has a less than 1% failure rate. However, this is not mean that you are entirely out of the blues. To lower the chances of conception after a vasectomy, follow up your intercourse with precautionary measures. That is, you can use a condom or ask your partner to take a contraceptive pill.
It is also essential that a specialist tests your semen for sperms before you can do away with all the other contraception methods. If there is sperm present in your sperm after 10-15 ejaculations, give your doctor a call.
Number Three: No-Scalpel Vasectomy
If you want to avoid an incision during a vasectomy, then the no-scalpel vasectomy is the way to go. During the key-hole vasectomy, a surgeon uses a sharp tool to puncture the scrotum. Then, they remove a small piece of the Vas Deferens, after which they stitch up the puncture.
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Benefits of No-Scalpel Vasectomy
Along with the few health complications accompanying the no-scalpel vasectomy, other benefits include:
- The patients have a shorter recovery time.
- The procedure is highly effective with low infection risks.
- There are fewer post-surgical complications compared to the standard vasectomy.
- No scarring since there are no incisions.
- People who undergo the no-scalpel vasectomy resume their regular sexual intercourse in less time.
- The subject’s also reported better psychological effects.
- The procedure does not affect your sexual life.
- And there is minor postoperative pain compared to the traditional vasectomy.
Cons to the No-Scalpel Vasectomy
Some of the disadvantages of the procedure reported include:
- No-scalpel vasectomy requires regular follow-up with a doctor.
- Also, despite being ‘no scalpel,’ it is still considered a surgical procedure.
- There is always a chance of this contraceptive method failing.
- And like regular vasectomy, the no-scalpel vasectomy does not offer protection from STDs.
- From testimonials, the standard vasectomy is more reliable compared to the no-scalpel procedure.
Which Is Better, No-Scalpel, or Standard Vasectomy?
The no-scalpel vasectomy involves no incisions. Therefore, it is quicker and heals faster. In addition to not scarring, this procedure lowers the chances of infections, bleeding, or bruising.
Also, no-scalpel and traditional vasectomy have the same effect when it comes to birth control. They are both permanent. Therefore, if you are to go for a vasectomy, why not go for the one that heals faster and is safer? Even doctors opt for the no-scalpel vasectomy to the traditional vasectomy.
What Are the Failure Rates of No-Scalpel Vasectomy?
The success rate of the no-scalpel vasectomy depends solely on the backup measures taken to prevent pregnancies. When you follow up with backup birth control, the procedure has a success rate of 99.85-99.9%.
How Do You Lower These Chances of Failure?
Despite the procedure being almost failure-proof, you can never be too safe. The following activities help protect you from the 0.1% chance of failure:
- Do not engage in strenuous activities.
- Take a rest in the days following the procedure.
- Always keep your genitalia clean and dry.
- It would help if you never missed out on your backup contraceptive until your doctor gives you the go-ahead.
- Finally, always stay updated on your sperm count by having regular tests.
Number Four: Coitus Interruptus
Have you ever heard discussions of pulling out? Well, this is it. The coitus interruption method, also known as the withdrawal method, involves removing the penis from the vagina before ejaculation. This technique’s overall goal is to ensure that you release no sperms in the female’s body.
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Disclaimer: This contraception method is not sufficient and poses a significant risk of failure. However, many people around the world are still using it as a male birth control technique.
If you are among the people who exercise withdrawal, there are 2 main factors you need to consider:
a. Timing
In this method, timing should be perfect. The smallest delay could result in an unwanted pregnancy. So, when does the male withdraw his sexual organ from the vagina? The withdrawal should happen when the man feels he is about to ejaculate. And once the penis is out, ejaculation should be done away from the female’s genitals.
b. Backup
Unless you are practicing abstinence, a backup birth control measure always comes in handy. Therefore, you must take an alternative contraceptive precaution before you engage in sexual intercourse. Also, if you plan on having sex again soon after, make sure you clean your penis. This step ensures that no lingering sperms enter the female’s reproductive tract.
What Are the Advantages of Coitus Interruptus?
When considering this method, the benefits are not related to the efficiency of the technique. These include:
- It is a cheap method. Since it requires no special equipment such as condoms or pills, you have no expenses to incur.
- Since there are no external chemicals, you and your partner are safe from reactions or complications.
Disadvantages of the Withdrawal Method
This method has no medical or research backup. Also, it is not an assured technique when it comes to the efficacy of the contraceptive method. Therefore, there are many disadvantages to this method. Some of them include:
- The chances of failure are higher than those of success.
- If you experience premature ejaculation, then this is not a method for you.
- Timing is hardly ever accurate.
- Cum produced before ejaculation could contain sperms, which cause pregnancy.
- Remember, only condoms and abstinence prevent STIs. Therefore, this method offers no protection against these infections.
- The ejaculation process can be very unpredictable. Therefore, this pull-out method is also highly unpredictable.
This contraception method depends on self-control and chance. Therefore, you can expect the failure rates to be high, especially among first-time users. With only 4% of the couples experiencing perfect use and timing, you should seriously consider changing your options.
Now, how can you make this pull-out method more effective?
The failure rates of the coitus interrupt methods are staggering and making it work, you and your partner should participate equally. So, how can you lower the chances of failure?
- Use a condom as a backup birth control method. This increases your chances of success to about 87% and also eliminates the risk of contracting an STD.
- Track ovulation – This fertility awareness method helps you keep your sexual intercourse safe. By your partner knowing when they are safe, you lower the chances of conception considerably.
- Follow up with a contraceptive – If you tried the withdrawal method during sexual intercourse, and you have doubts, an over-the-counter birth control pill is the best shot you have at eliminating any chances of unwanted pregnancy.
- Finally, it would be wrong to consider this method as your primary and only birth control method. Numbers don’t lie, and if you want to avoid unwanted pregnancies, you need to follow up on this risky method with an alternative contraception method.
Number Five: Outercourse
Nowadays, you notice the market flooding with synthetic gadgets for sexual pleasure. With these endless alternatives, you can now comfortably exercise outercourse and lower the chances of unplanned pregnancies. The list of activities to engage in go on and on, but that is a discussion for another time.
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Now, onto the pros and cons of outercourse:
- If your partner has pain phobias associated with sexual intercourse, then this alternative is the best.
- Outercourse presents a safer option to protect an individual against STDs and pregnancy.
- If you are tracking your fertility and want to eliminate the risk of pregnancy, then you should try outercourse.
- Finally, this technique allows you and your partner enough time to decide on your sexual relationship.
However, this male contraception method does not go without its drawbacks. Some of these include:
- Some options of outercourse, such as oral sex, could result in the spread of STDs.
- This method is not for people with no self-control.
- Finally, if you end up having sex without a backup birth control technique, there is the risk of conception.
How Effective Is Outercourse?
When done correctly, outercourse has a 100% success rate. However, if you plan on having intercourse, using a condom or emergency contraceptives helps protect you from pregnancies and STDs.
Contraceptives Under Research
Number One: Male Birth Control Pill
The male birth control pill is an invention meant to revolutionize birth control. So, why is it necessary? According to the Washington Post, more than 45% of the 6 million pregnancies reported in the US are unplanned. Therefore, there is a need to find a foolproof male contraceptive to lower this number.
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About This Pill:
Drug interaction with male hormonal physiology is a complicated field. Therefore, finding a contraceptive pill that fits the equation has been tricky for specialists despite the many years of research.
The task is to find a pill that can work hand in hand with the male body hormones‘ rapid metabolism.
The most common pill under research is Dimethandrolone Undecanoate, DMAU. Taking this pill daily suppresses the follicle-stimulating hormone(FSH) and the luteinizing hormone(LH).
According to a study conducted by the Los Angeles Biomed in their male contraceptive clinical trial center, the highest doses of DMAU resulted in marked suppression of testosterone levels. Also, the two hormones mentioned above, which are responsible for the production of sperm, were produced in less quantity.
Also, there was no notable change in mood or sexual drive among the users of DMAU.
Potential Side Effects of DMAU
Patients involved in clinical trials of DMAU reported side effects such as:
- Headaches
- Weight gain, about 5 pounds
- Mild erectile dysfunction
- Acne and tiredness
Several tests are needed to come up with a conclusive result on the pill’s failure rate.
According to Dr. Christina Wang of LA Biomed Research Center, this male contraceptive pill could help prevent over 40% of all unplanned pregnancies.
Number Two: Male Birth Control Gel
Another form of male contraceptives in the labs awaiting validation is the contraceptive gel called NES/T (Nestorone and Testosterone). It works similarly to the contraceptive pill in reducing your sperm count. Specialists from the LA Biomed Lab say that when applied to the skin, the gel suppresses the production of sperms. It also lowers your sperm count.
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One significant benefit of the contraceptive gel is its ability to lower the sperm count without affecting the testosterone levels. Its effects are reversible, meaning you can restore your sperm count at a later date should you decide you want kids.
a. How Do You Use This Gel?
Well, you might think that you apply the gel directly on your scrotum, but you could never be further from the truth.
You apply it on your shoulders and lower back, where the skin absorbs it.
b. What Are the Clinical Expectations?
The first phase of this clinical trial starts with healthy men who use the gel for 12 weeks. During this period, their sperm count is then used to measure the effectiveness of the gel.
Also, the specialists keep an eye on any adverse side effects that could affect the trial volunteers. If the gel does not lower the sperm count to acceptable contraception levels in 12 weeks, the trial extends for 4 weeks.
Once the sperm levels in the ejaculate are low enough, the clinical trials progress for a further 52 weeks to exhaust all aspects of the research.
c. Effectiveness and Efficacy of the Gel
The male birth control gel is yet to hit commercial markets. This is because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is yet to approve rigorous safety tests.
Once phase II of the clinical trials is complete, the drug can be released into the market. After that, scientists are to discuss whether or not to take the gel into the third phase of clinical trials.
d. Can the Gel Replace Condoms?
The male birth control gel offers promise to a more advanced and effective contraception technique. However, this is not to mean that it can ever replace condoms from the market. Remember, condoms offer both birth control and protection from sexually transmitted infections. So, to answer the question…NO. The birth control gel might be more effective than condoms, but it does not protect you from STIs.
Also, as you have noticed before, the method of application is quite controversial. Therefore, there is a chance that a significant number of people fail to apply the gel appropriately.
Number Three: Male Birth Control Shot
Injectable male contraceptives have been in clinical trials since the 1970s in the US. The National Institute of Health began these trials using testosterone enanthate, an intramuscular injectable. Sperm concentration in semen decreased considerably (azoospermia) in the volunteers administered with the testosterone enanthate.
Further studies followed up, examining the effect of adding progestin and GnRH (Gonadotropin-releasing hormone) Antagonists to speed up the rate of suppression of sperm production. Some of this progestin included injectable administered to the clinical trial volunteers.
During these trials, there were pregnancies reported due to sperm rebound.
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In January of 2016, the World Health Organization, in partnership with CONRAD, sponsored a study that recruited 320 men from all around the world to test the male birth control shot. 1000mg of testosterone undecanoate and 200mg of progestin norethisterone enanthate were administered every 8 weeks. Of the total population receiving the injection, 95.9% reached the efficacy level acceptable in contraception.
How Is It Administered?
The shot contains hormones in gel form. These hormones are then injected into the Vas Deferens to inactivate sperms.
The good news is that this process is reversible using another shot that dissolves the gel.
Side Effects of the Male Birth Control Shot
Patients participating in the clinical trials for the male birth control shot reported the following side effects:
- Symptoms of lethargy and sexual dysfunction
- Acne
- Mood and emotional changes, mood swings
- Injection site pains
- Some patients reported mild depression
- Behavioral change and
- Libido changes
Future Considerations of the Shot
Since this shot’s success is unclear, more research is crucial to advance the concept. And despite the shot successfully preventing pregnancies, there is a considerable gap in the proper combination of the hormones. Therefore, scientists need to further their studies to achieve the perfect balance between efficacy and safety.
Number Four: Male Hormonal Contraceptives
The male hormonal contraceptives use the feedback mechanism. Like the female hormonal contraceptives, the male hormonal contraceptive inhibits testosterone production by feedback mechanisms.
What Does This Mean?
It means that male hormonal contraceptives use a negative feedback loop to suppress the production of testosterone. By supplying exogenous testosterone, the body capitalizes on the neuroendocrine loop to suppress FSH, LH, and GnRH production to suppress endogenous testosterone production. And since testosterone is responsible for the production of sperms, lower amounts of endogenous testosterone result in a lesser sperm count.
Challenges of the Male Hormonal Contraceptive
When taken orally, the contraceptive readily dissolves and is cleared from the body in no time. Therefore, there is a need to administer several doses in a day to achieve a successful single-dose regimen. And when following up with the human body, this is simply put, impractical.
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Also, different hormones tested show adverse side effects, such as hypertoxicity.
So, Where Are We Now?
Currently, there has been no success of a single hormone used as a contraceptive. Instead, the closest results originate from a combination of several drugs and birth control methods. Other testosterone forms, such as gel and implants, have been introduced and are still under testing and lab evaluations.
Side Effects of the Male Hormonal Contraceptive
The World Health Organization suggests that the following side effects may result from the use of the male hormonal contraceptive:
- Increased weight
- Increased hematocrit and hemoglobin levels
- Acne
However, these symptoms were reversed 90 days after discontinuation.
What Can You Expect from the Male Hormonal Contraceptive?
With current findings and data, it is nearly impossible to conclude the method’s effectiveness. Also, some safety loopholes expose female partners to risks of unplanned pregnancies.
It takes several years of intense research before this method gets the approval of being an effective male contraceptive.
Number Five: Non-Hormonal Contraceptives
Male contraception addresses two significant aspects of sperm production:
- Inhibiting Spermatogenesis – The sperms are produced in overly low numbers, a condition called azoospermia.
- Sperm Count – This affects the functionality of your sperms.
Contrary to the hormonal contraceptives that target the spermatogenesis process, non-hormonal contraceptives aim to reduce the protein levels in your sperm. Therefore, you produce sperms, but very few of them are useful, thus impairing their functions.
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These results are prevalent in a vitamin A(retinol)-deficient rat. Retinol is a critical ingredient in achieving sperm sterility. Therefore, a lower supply renders your sperms ineffective.
Advantages of Non-Hormonal over Hormonal Male Contraceptives
According to studies conducted by WHO and CONRAD, it was clear that male hormonal contraceptives affect the human body adversely. The hormonal imbalance affects libido and can result in congenital disabilities.
However, by using non-hormonal contraceptives, male users enjoy benefits such as bypassing all the adverse effects of hormonal imbalance.
And according to Dr. Ventura, a lead researcher at the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (MIPS), there is a promise for a safer and more effective oral male non-hormonal contraceptive. The contraceptive would also include a combination of two drugs that block sperm movement, rather than development or maturity.
Since the sperms are not affected by the contraceptive, it is easier to reverse the effects later in life. Besides, this drug has already passed preliminary testing stages and helps resolve some of the problems of male sexual activities.
Advantages and Disadvantages You Can Expect
a. Pros
- It is comfortable to consume.
- Does not affect male sexual activities.
- Effective against pregnancies.
b. Cons
- Does not protect against STDs.
- Could be costly.
Number Six: Male Contraceptive Injections
These male contraceptive injections follow along the lines of contraceptive shots. The World Health Organization has conducted studies in seven countries, including Australia. However, these health bodies are yet to develop a conclusive male contraceptive injection available commercially in the market.
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Number Seven: Male Contraceptive Implants
Scientists are working to find new and improved male contraception techniques every day. A new type of male contraceptive that can kill sperms for up to 3 years is still under development. Some of the implants currently in development include:
a. The Matchstick
This implant from the Dutch Pharmaceutical company Organon is embedded in the man’s arm. Not what you expected, but it is to release doses of progesterone called Etonogestrel into the bloodstream, which inhibits the production of sperms.
Effectiveness and Shortcomings of the Matchstick
No studies prove whether this matchstick-seized implant is safe for the user. The side effects of this implant are similar to those experienced by women, including weight gain, acne, mood changes, and mild depression risks.
b. MENT Implants
The Population Council is currently conducting tests on a male contraceptive implant called MENT. This implant, made of synthetic steroids, is placed on a man’s upper arm. Scientists are expressing hope of MENT being the first fully effective, reversible, and safe male contraceptive.
Advantages of MENT
- It suppresses the growth and functions of the testis by inhibiting the production of gonadotropin.
- Despite being more effective than any other contraceptive on the market, it does not enlarge the prostate.
- Due to its promising efficacy, a small dosage is useful for a long time.
Disadvantages of MENT
There are speculations that this contraceptive could affect the kidneys and bone growth of the users. Also, more studies are needed to determine to what extent the MENT is reversible.
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Atypical Birth Control Methods
Before you try these contraception methods, you must understand that there is no scientific basis for their functionality. These have been ancient techniques practiced, and still practiced by some people. Therefore, no studies prove their fulfillment of the contraception criteria. Hence they are not recommended.
Number One: Thermal Male Contraception
In the male human body, sperms are some of the most sensitive products. The slightest change in environmental temperature could kill your sperms. Therefore, prolonged exposure to heat can reduce sperm count effectively.
However, this technique is temporary.
There are two methods of achieving thermal male contraception:
Method #1
A man has to sit in hot water for about 45 minutes. Despite this method being practiced mainly in India, it is less reliable for contraception.
Method #2
This method uses heat from your body. It involves wearing underwear that pushes your testicles into the core of your body. Since the sperms need an optimal temperature lower than body temperature, they die off.
Thermal male contraception methods’ effectiveness depends on how long you have used the method. However, no studies are supporting the effectiveness of this contraception method. Also, no studies show that the daily application of this technique is healthy for your body.
And although this method could be effective and cheap, more research is needed to derive conclusive results.
Number Two: Herbal Male Contraceptives
Medical experts do not guarantee the effectiveness of this ancient contraception alternative.
People who believe in culture believe that plant-based male contraceptives are safer and cheaper to control the population. These plants contain anti-fertility compounds that inhibit the production of sperm or lower the sperm count.
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However, the effectiveness of the male herbal contraceptive solely depends on the dominant compound in the herbs.
Some of the most common herbs used for contraception include:
a. Abrus Precatorius Linn
This climber grows in almost all of India. According to studies conducted to relate the alcoholic seeds to sperm motility, there was a significant drop when 100mg/kg was administered for 60 days. With a decreased sperm motility, there is the promise of contraceptive benefits.
b. Aegle Marmelos Linn
At an altitude of about 1200 meters above sea level, you can find this moderately-sized tree in the middle of India’s deciduous forests. The ethanolic extracts from the leaves of the Aegle Marmelos Linn showed a tremendous decrease in testis weight, sperm count, and sperm motility.
c. Acacia Auriculiformis A. Cunn ex. Benth
Different combinations of compounds extracted from this plant resulted in sperm immobilization. Of the trees’ compounds, about 50% of them have several spermicidal activities. When taken, the sperms ejaculated failed to enter the female cervical tract due to reduced mobility.
Other plants used for contraceptive properties in different parts of the world include:
- Aeschynomene indica Linn
- Aloe vera Linn
- Barleria prionitis Linn
- Calotropis Procera
- Deeringia amaranthoides
- Casearia tomentosa Roxb
NOTE: It is almost impossible to determine the extent of the effectiveness of these herbal contraceptives. That is why these methods are not advertised or advocated by specialists. So, choosing to use or not to use these male herbal contraceptives is solely your choice.
What Are Some of the Expected Side Effects?
Plant-based contraceptives have different reactions to different body types. Therefore, when taken, you can expect the following side effects:
- Low blood pressure
- Increased sensitivity to sunlight
- Kidney problems
- Nausea
- Allergic Reactions
- Tiredness
So, before you risk a fatal allergic reaction, make sure you consult with a specialist before using any of the above-mentioned male herbal contraceptives.
Number Three: Natural Male Contraceptives
These are contraception methods that do not require medication or physical devices. These naturally occurring compounds are favored among many people since they are cheaper and readily available. Some of these natural products include:
a. Papaya Seed Extracts
A study involving male rats and extracts from papaya seeds shows significant deterioration of sperm production. These extracts have been around since the 1960s for their contraceptive properties.
The rats achieved 100% contraception after taking a heavy dose, and you can reverse the effects after about 5 months from the time of administration.
b. Neem Extracts
In India, neem extracts are a common natural male contraceptive. Although many scientific studies do not back up these claims, there have been notable spermicidal properties recorded in mice.
c. Oleanolic Acid
Oleanolic acid is a compound extracted from the flowers of the myrtle plant found in South Asia. Once administered to mice, there were records of infertility after 30 days.
Birth control is not personal but also influenced by medical reasons. That is why some natural healers suggest using natural barriers such as lambskin condoms and wild herbs. However, it is essential to understand that these natural birth control methods do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
NOTE: The natural products listed are not approved by the U.S Food and Drug Administration and lack formal medical testing for contraception.
Bottom Line:
Revolutionary birth control methods are entering the market every day. And despite the numerous options in the market, there is always a need to provide more effective and safer contraceptives. That is why science and research bodies around the world are engaging in studies to fill this gap. By choosing an approved male contraceptive method, you play a huge role in sharing your partner’s family planning burden.
Talk to your healthcare provider today and get the best contraception method to suit your physical and medical needs.
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