7 Amazing Workplace Adjustments for ADHD Patients!

ADHD patients often find it difficult to deliver their best at work. Today, we will teach you about 7 of the incredible workplace adjustments that you can make for colleagues, family members, friends, and even yourself to ensure optimum productivity. The strategies that I’ll share with you today have helped dozens of ADHD patients to deliver their best at their workplaces.
Suffering from severe ADHD at work? Click the button below to book your appointment.
Here are the adjustment strategies for ADHD patients who are in the corporate world:
- Approach your condition with a positive mindset
- Customize your workspace
- Highlight your strength
- Seek support from colleagues
- Organize yourself while at work
- Stimulate attention
- Seek therapy and medication
Organizational skills, a sharp mind, strong administrative skills, speed, and a calm attitude are qualities that employees require to deliver at work. Nonetheless, excelling at work can be a tall order if you’re battling ADHD. Generally, employees suffering from ADHD struggle in delivering work projects compared to those who are perfectly healthy. They may panic, feel tired, lose focus, and at times, give up on themselves.
Table of Contents
How ADHD Affects Your Job?
The extent to which ADHD hampers your work depends on the severity of the disorder and how long you’ve been battling it. Approximately 8 to 9 million people in America have ADHD. Most of them struggle to secure or hold down one job for long. Those who manage to gain employment often earn considerably less than their equally qualified colleagues.
ADHD affects your job in different ways. It negatively impacts job performance, your dedication notwithstanding. You’re likely to lose focus while at work, thus miss out on crucial details. Furthermore, ADHD patients make errors that make them doubt their capability and reliability. Ultimately, this impacts your personal, social, and economic life significantly.
There’s an endless list of issues that employees who have ADHD encounter daily. Here are some of these issues:
- Difficulty in managing time
- Poor organization
- Problems with handling multiple tasks
- Lack of attention
- Difficulties completing assignments on time
- Failure to notice the finer details when undertaking work-related assignments
- Low intellectual responses and communication skills
- Poor emotional intelligence
Workplace Adjustment Strategies
ADHD and its symptoms shouldn’t stop you from excelling at your job and climbing the career ladder. There’s so much you can do to accommodate the condition while delivering your best effort at work. It’s best to keep in mind that most ADHD accommodations are effective, inexpensive, and straightforward. Managing the condition may sound challenging, but things will get easier for you once you get into the groove. Read on to find out how you can incorporate the seven workplace adjustment strategies into your career life.
1. Approach Your Condition Positively
If you’re an ADHD patient, it’s best to keep in mind that your colleagues and family members would do anything to help you succeed at work. However, most of these well-meaning individuals do not understand ADHD fully. Consequently, they are likely to make mistakes during their interactions with you. It will be difficult for them to approach you, or know how best to help you.
Generally, individuals who are battling mental conditions such as ADHD have a very fragile and delicate mind. Often, they are unable to take in situations or calls from society like ordinary people do. This arises from their mental struggles and the perception that individuals with ADHD are robust and different from other people.
Get Educated about the Condition
It’s essential to get some education about ADHD. For instance, you might convince yourself that the condition is merely a behavioral or academic problem, or patients aren’t groomed to behave appropriately. It will be difficult for colleagues or family members to support individuals who have ADHD. So, whether it’s you or someone else battling ADHD, it’s vital to get educated about it in detail.
In case you want to know more about the condition, you’ll discover that ADHD is a disorder that affects brain function. It entails a lack of most cognitive processes, including time management, decision-making, and organizational skills. Therefore, it’s best to ask experts to educate you about the condition.
Ask Knowledgeable or Associated People to Educate You about ADHD
Once you get an idea about ADHD, ask the target people. Patients are often willing to teach others about their health to achieve better understanding and interaction with others. In case you’re not educated, you should let those around you know about it and be honest with them.
But, how can you receive help from colleagues who are also battling the same condition? Well, you can start this with polite gestures and a gentle tone along these lines, “I’d like to understand ADHD in detail. Would you please educate me about it?” When you make such a move, the other person is more likely to empathize with you and help you understand ADHD better.
Alternatively, if you want to know more about ADHD, there are many ways of gaining this knowledge. Consulting a mental health expert is always the most comfortable place to start because he/she will guide you at every step along the way. Similarly, you can also approach a group of individuals who are also battling ADHD and discuss any queries you might have.
Someone who also suffers from the same condition understands your predicament better than any other person. Therefore, he/she is best placed to advise you on handling your emotions and managing your time. With time, there will be an excellent mutual bond and a sense of comradeship between the two of you, which helps both of you to manage the condition better.
Save yourself from the causes of ADHD. Click the banner below to book your appointment.
Don’t Get Judgmental about the Condition
Nobody chooses to suffer from a disorder such as ADHD. Therefore, you shouldn’t get judgmental about ADHD because this condition isn’t a disability or limitation. Likewise, it doesn’t define your intelligence, character, or capability.
To understand the condition better and make adjustments that enable you to perform optimally at work, you should start by asking yourself the hard questions: What bothers you the most at the workplace? How does it feel working with your colleagues? And, what do you expect from your bosses at the workplace? Once you have answers to these questions, it will be easier for you to solve more profound issues impacting your performance at work. Similarly, if any of your colleagues at work is battling ADHD, showing empathetic behavior will go a long way in creating the positive aura that he/she needs to perform optimally.
Reach Out for Help
You should always be willing to reach out to others for help. It’s commonplace for ADHD patients to struggle with accomplishing specific tasks. Do not shy from reaching out to trustworthy colleagues and be free to seek help. Some assignments at the workplace will leave you feeling helpless. This applies to both ADHD patients and average individuals. Reaching out to colleagues and sharing your struggles will help you avoid panicking. As a result, it will be easier for you to ace the tasks that hitherto seemed impossible to handle.
Stick Around Positive People
It’s essential for ADHD patients to stick around positive people, both in the workplace and at home. Such people are more likely to highlight your strength besides offering positive and reassuring thoughts that significantly impact you. Positive people will always leave a positive impression as far as your mental health is concerned. When you hang around them, their positivity will rub off on you, and you’ll be able to convert it into the energy you need to deal with problems that you might encounter at the workplace.
It’s a great idea to hang around individuals who emanate positivity and help you see the positive side of life, your condition notwithstanding. The same cannot be said of negative people. They will leave you feeling depressed and in a worse mental state. Spending time in the company of light-hearted colleagues will leave you at ease besides helping you deal with the disorganizations, mismanagements, and any other cognitive issue that you may be battling as a result of ADHD.
Positive people will never judge you for who you are. Indeed, there isn’t a better way of solving problems at work and managing ADHD symptoms than spending time with positive people.
Get proper treatment for ADHD from expert physicians. Click the button below to book your appointment.
2. Customize the Workplace
You can only thrive and optimally in a comfortable workstation. Customizing the workstation to your needs also goes a long way in helping you deliver your best effort when handling tasks. Imagine sitting on a squeaky chair at a cluttered desk that is too high or low for your comfort. Can you be productive in such a messy work setting? It’s even harder to be productive in this situation if you have ADHD.
Your environment plays a significant role as far as work productivity is concerned. In this regard, I’m sharing some quick fixes that can help you customize the workplace to help you focus on your work.
Have a Comfortable Seating Arrangement with Proper Lighting
It’s advisable to have an ergonomic setup in the workplace. Contrary to what you might think, your job isn’t about the one-hour or so engagements you have with colleagues, clients, etc. Instead, it requires long and unending work hours, and in some cases, you’ll spend entire days sitting at your desk. There’s no way you can be productive in a disorganized and uncomfortable workspace.
Today, there’s a wide variety of ergonomic chairs and desks on the market. These products come with features such as rotational capability and adjustable heights. Desk height needs to be compatible with your eyesight. Likewise, office chairs ought to include appropriate arm placements with neck and backrests. These are some of the mandatory things that organizations should provide to their employees to boost workplace productivity.
Lighting is another essential factor in the workplace. For optimum productivity, the work environment should be well-lit since this maximizes your vision besides creating a calm environment.
Sort Out Your Desk
It’s common to come across messy desks in offices. If you’re battling ADHD, a messy desk will undoubtedly worsen your anxiety and other ADHD symptoms. Piles of files, papers, and other office supplies on the office desk make the place look messy and trigger distractions. Although you need to use many items on a typical workday, it’s best to ensure that your desk is organized at all times. Looking around for missing documents and other items will worsen your condition, thus hampering your productivity.
The market is flooded with organizers, and they are not only affordable but also come in different shapes. Although most organizations provide them, you can still purchase some more for yourself. This will enable you to personalize your desk and make the workspace ideal for you. Even after buying organizers, it’s advisable to sort out your desk every evening before leaving the office. Getting rid of clutter from your workstation will also remove any mental clutter, and the job worries that you might have.
Fidget with Toys
Fidget tubes and toys are no longer exclusively for kids. In recent years, more adults have been using them to ease anxiety. These accessories can be incredibly helpful to individuals who are battling ADHD. Irrespective of the shape, quality, or type of toy you choose, you’ll obtain the same results. They not only help with attention but also improve your learning ability. Likewise, fidget cubes and toys can go a long way in reducing pressure and stress when handling demanding tasks at work.
Behavioral experts also point out that certain levels of movement contribute significantly to learning and focusing. These movements help the brain to develop new neural pathways, thus improving your learning skills. Most ADHD patients experience restlessness, which can be controlled with fidget toys since they help with coordination besides improving the functions of your hands and muscles.
Get Some Fresh Air
If you’re battling ADHD, it’s common for your mind to wander away from tasks. When this happens, you undoubtedly need to break away from the monotony of the workspace. Regardless of the location of your office, you need to catch a breather. Go outside and get some fresh air since this will help realign your focus.
Diverting the brain from the workstation’s monotony is particularly beneficial if you’re handling a demanding task and feeling restless about it. It will improve your attention once you step back into the office. Whether you have ADHD or not, breathing in fresh outdoor air will go a long way in improving your focus and attention.
3. Highlight Your Strengths
Not everyone who suffers from ADHD experiences the same issues. Even with battling the severest form of ADHD, there are always personal strengths that come to light. In fact, you can use ADHD to your advantage in the workplace.
Sounds fanciful, right?
To put this into perspective, here are examples of beneficial traits that ADHD gifts you, and how they come in handy as far as your career progression is concerned.
The Gift of Creativity
You read it right! ADHD patients can be more creative than ordinary people. While explaining creative cognition, psychologists often divide it into three aspects:
- Conceptual expansion
- Divergent thinking
- Overcoming knowledge constraints
For ADHD patients, the good news is that they are outstanding when it comes to divergent thinking. Generally, they have an unmatched ability to come up with new ideas from one starting point. This quality can come in handy when making job presentations or when creating marketing strategies.
Research indicates that employees who have ADHD people perform well under pressure when it comes to tasks that require divergent thinking. Such tasks include creating new perspectives from old ideas, brainstorming new features of a product, and inventing new objects.
Detailed Orientation
ADHD patients have the unique ability of detail-orientation. This quality allows them to see things from a different perspective besides allowing them to perceive the minute details that other people ordinarily fail to spot.
ADHD patients also have remarkably daring psychics. Typically, the human brain filters sensory information, tastes, smell, future prediction, and insights at a speed of 40 bits per second. The brain of an ADHD patient is even faster in this regard.
However, it’s best to keep in mind that the ADHD brain tends to be overloaded with sensory input. It receives a confusing plethora of sensory information ranging from important insights to unnecessary background noise. An ADHD individual’s brain takes in a large volume of information that other employees tend to miss out or perceive as being unimportant. As a result, employees who are battling ADHD are more likely to understand things being conveyed.
Contact Us now for ADHD treatment or click the banner below to book your appointment.
ADHD Patients are Quick Beginners
ADHD and impulsivity are often associated. However, not many patients know that they can use this symptom to their advantage, especially at work. ADHD individuals tend to be quick starters who jump into tasks and show great courage and zeal when handling work-related assignments. They also don’t shy away from taking risks and trying out new ideas.
On the other hand, regular employees tend to be backward, reserved, and dull. They prefer sticking to outdated ideas and long-established norms. Whenever such individuals spearhead projects, there’s usually a lot of internal resistance since they tend to do things by the book. The same cannot be said of ADHD patients. They make great revolutionaries and can come up with innovative ideas for transforming the workplace.
ADHD Enables You to Easily Work Out Crises
It’s common for crises to arise in the workplace. A recent study established that individuals with ADHD often generate more theta waves than regular guys. These waves are responsible for relaxation and deeper sleep. Contrary to what many people think, people with ADHD tend to be calmer and more relaxed in their minds. The abundance of theta waves enables them to be great when workplace crises arise.
Generally, people with ADHD perform exceptionally well in panic jobs. You’ll find them working as medical professionals, fire marshals, and law enforcement. When everyone else is anxious, and under stress, ADHD individuals are likely to be at ease.
Why Do Companies Need More Employees Who have ADHD?
Individuals battling ADHD tend to be more focused, especially when allocated tasks that match their interests. More organizations are waking up to this fact. The unmatched willpower and focus of ADHD patients can be harnessed to the benefit of an organization. Therefore, if any of your colleagues have ADHD, find a way of accommodating him/her.
Dynamism and Resourcefulness
Individuals with ADHD tend to be energetic, smart, resourceful, and spirited. They simply need to be encouraged and supported to understand that ADHD is their superpower. When given tasks that match their interests, these individuals can deliver results, when in the most intense situations. Business turnarounds and changes of plans are nothing new to them due to their impulsive nature. What’s more, they will always provide multiple solutions to problems that seem insurmountable to ordinary people.
If you’re an ADHD patient, all you need to do is find a way of getting your brain to work. Start by recognizing and appreciating your exceptional brain capabilities, then invest your mind in the goals and tasks at hand. If you make an effort to incorporate all your positive qualities into work-related tasks, you’ll reap positive rewards when it comes to working performance.
Looking for medicinal ADHD treatment? Click the button below to book your appointment.
4. Gain Your Colleagues’ Support
The typically chaotic and impulsive ADHD behaviors can make job hours to be exhausting and stressful. Although things may get challenging at times, you should keep in mind that there’s little you can do about your ADHD behavior. Getting support from your workmates will go a long way in improving your performance.
If you’re looking to make reasonable adjustments at the workplace with your colleagues’ support, the following advice will come in handy:
Inform and Educate Your Colleagues about ADHD
You can’t receive the help you need at the workplace if your colleagues know nothing about ADHD or the fact that you’re battling it. In this regard, it’s crucial to understand how best to describe your condition to them.
Your words matter significantly. Therefore, it’s essential to frame the conversation in a way that makes your colleagues understand what ADHD is all about fully. Since you’re the one battling the condition, it would help if you described your condition in a positive light. Describe to them how you perceive your situation, and what other people think about it. Also, explain how it aids and hampers your performance when handling different tasks. This will not only depict you honestly but also make them empathize with you.
It’s equally important to inform your colleagues about your mood disorders, hyperactivity, attention deficits, and everything else they need to know about you. They also need to know about the stigma and common myths and misconceptions associated with ADHD. This way, they won’t judge you. In this regard, you should bring to light the fact that:
Individuals with ADHD Aren’t Lazy
It’s common for co-workers to think that the frequent breaks you take from your workstation are an excuse for you to slack off. At times, you may be unmotivated to handle work-related assignments due to difficulties in focusing on a specific task. When your colleagues understand that this isn’t a sign of laziness, they’ll be able to offer the support you need.
Often, ADHD patients crave mental stimulation and excitement. As a result, they experience difficulties in handling monotonous tasks. In this case, they will either take longer to complete the tasks or simply fail to deliver altogether. Your colleagues can provide much-needed motivation and support if you tell them about your condition. They will help with task management besides suggesting strategies for breaking down tasks into smaller and doable sections.
ADHD Isn’t an Excuse for Taking Stimulants
To some people, ADHD doesn’t exist. Some of your co-workers may also have the same perception. This is largely attributed to the fact that some patients overcome the condition during their teens. As a result, less ADHD screening is done among adults. Many people fail to understand that millions of adults also battle the disorder. Most of them have trouble at work. Worse still, most drug addicts in our society today abuse drugs used to treat ADHD, including stimulants.
This explains why most people think that those who claim to have ADHD do so as an excuse to take drugs. For this reason, it’s essential to create awareness among your colleagues about your condition and that you require medical help for ADHD.
ADHD Patients Can Also Stay Calm
Many people associate ADHD with anxiety, restlessness, and impulsivity. However, ADHD patients tend to be the calmest and most-mellow members of a group, especially if the condition is suitably managed. When you inform your co-workers about your condition, you should also explain this to them. Inattentive ADHD is often associated with trouble paying attention, committing small mistakes, and focusing on tasks. If you have this form of ADHD, hyperactivity won’t be a primary concern to you since you can behave rationally and normally like other people.
Individuals with ADHD Are Reliable
Being impulsive, the inability to focus, and hyperactivity doesn’t mean that ADHD patients are unreliable and can’t maintain healthy and long-term relationships. At the workplace, make other employees understand that you care about the well-being of the organization and that you’re a reliable member of the team.
Since you easily get distracted when handling tasks, it’s best to note down important things that you need to do on a typical workday. Do not hesitate to approach your colleagues and seek help whenever you need it. Since you spend a lot of time with your colleagues within and beyond the work environment, it’s best to involve them in your treatment process.
There’s a Reason for Your Temper
Things as insignificant as getting late to work due to unavoidable circumstances can make ADHD patients moody and temperamental. These individuals tend to be straightforward, and as a result, lose their cool while at work. If your colleagues understand this, they’ll be in a better position to help you out when such episodes occur.
Get yourself treated for ADHD from expert physicians. Click the banner below to book your appointment.
How Your Colleagues Can Help You Manage ADHD?
Once your colleagues understand your condition, they will know how best to interact with you. It will also be easier for them to come up with strategies for resolving job-related issues. In a supportive work environment, your colleagues will help you in three different ways:
- Aligning Strength-Based Tasks
One of the strategies that help ADHD individuals to perform well at work is aligning tasks with their strengths and interests. This enables them to adapt to task requirements and deliver the expected outcomes quickly. It’s best to place ADHD individuals in job situations where they’ll experience fewer symptoms of the condition. They should also be assigned tasks based on their demonstrated strengths.
Furthermore, employees with ADHD should take strengths and character assessments since this is the easiest way of determining areas where they are capable of delivering their best efforts. In doing so, you’ll be able to maximize their productivity.
- Implementing Flexible Working Hours
The impulsive nature of ADHD employees makes it difficult for them to adhere to strict working hours. Some of them tend to be more productive at night and cannot adhere to a normal working routine. To get the best out of these individuals, it’s essential to have flexible working hours that play to their strengths. If the workplace allows, work should be scheduled accordingly to these individuals’ capabilities and symptoms.
5. Organize Yourself at Work
Making the necessary workplace adjustment can be challenging, and even worse if you have ADHD. However, this can be a lot easier with organizational skills. In this regard, I will share some proven organizational skills that can help you manage time more efficiently and create a friendly workspace. You should keep in mind that everyone has a strategy that works best for him/her. Therefore, try out different strategies to determine what works best for you. Here are some helpful tips for organizing yourself at work:
1. Use a Bright-Colored Planner
The mind of an individual who has ADHD reacts better to bright-colored planners. To most people, keeping a planner is unimportant. However, the accessory has proven to be useful to ADHD patients since it enables them to review their daily, weekly, and monthly plans repeatedly. This way, it’s easier for them to stick to those plans.
Planners are particularly essential to ADHD individuals who are employed in busy workplaces since they can be able to prioritize tasks and manage time efficiently. Once you get a planner, start by noting down the most essential entries, including appointments and high-priority tasks. Add more reminders, important dates, to-do lists, and so on.
How you organize your planner should depend on the number of engagements and interactions you have. The planner also needs to get updated to incorporate your hobbies and leisure activities. Organizing and refreshing your planner regularly goes a long way in enabling you to perform work-related tasks with ease.
Get yourself evaluated for ADHD by expert doctors. Click the button below to book your appointment.
2. Leverage Online Resources
There are lots of online resources that you can leverage to stay organized at work. These tools help you avoid the chaos of work-related documentation and responsibilities. For instance, online banking apps help you avoid cumbersome calculations that would hitherto unsettle your brain and worsen ADHD symptoms. Online tools keep all your data synchronized, besides ensuring its availability whenever you need it.
3. Get Rid of Things You Don’t Need
When battling ADHD, handling less stuff gives you much-needed peace of mind. Therefore, consider getting rid of all the extra possessions that you don’t need since this will also de-clutter your brain. There’s always too much stuff that employees don’t need in a typical workstation, which affects their productivity significantly. When you only have the few things that you need around your workstation, less time will be required to maintain order.
4. Maintain Multiple Notebooks for Different Tasks
During your days as a student, keeping several notebooks or different subjects helped you to stay organized, right? The same applies to your professional life.
Each department that you deal with should have its own notebook. Categorize and customize your notebooks according to the progress you’re making in different tasks, priorities, and so on. You can even keep a notebook for noting down unimportant information. This notebook will act as a “mind thrash” for dumping all the unspoken words that you may have in mind. In doing so, you’ll be able to unload your mind of all the unpleasant thoughts that might worsen your ADHD.
5. Set Aside 15-Minute Breaks for Play Therapy
Working on one task for hours on end can lead to mental burnout. To avoid this, set aside 15-minute breaks for play therapy every hour or two. The breaks will deviate your mind away from the pressure of work and help you rejuvenate.
Playing games is an excellent way to utilize breaks since it enhances your attention and learning. It’s best to keep in mind that ADHD brains are different from regular ones. Therefore, if you’re battling the disorder, you probably don’t need typical games such as Fortnite and Candy Crush. Instead, you need games that enhance your memory while helping you to stay calm. Here are some of the games and applications that are excellent for you:
- Cognifit
This is a quiz game designed to gauge your cognitive abilities. You can benefit significantly from playing this game since it builds your focus, attention, and memory. You will enjoy it all the more if you play with a colleague.
- Elevate
As the name suggests, this training app is designed to elevate your cognitive abilities. It also helps you to calm down and focus on the task at hand.
- Luminosity
This app creates personalized training programs for sharpening players’ cognitive skills. It targets various aspects, including focus, problem-solving, and memory.
- MindNote
ADHD minds tend to be very creative. There’s no better way of putting your creativity to the test than playing this game. It will help you build mind maps and create the visual structures of your thoughts.
6. Activate Attention
ADHD individuals always struggle with focus while at work. Dedication and creative thoughts don’t magically transform into concentration, more so when the task at hand is restrictive, challenging, or has strict deadlines. It’s common for an ADHD individual’s brain to switch off even after he/she creates a to-do list.
To overcome this situation, you should work for your brain, rather than against it. The following tips can get you started:
1. Leverage the ‘Zeigarnik Effect.’
The Zeigarnik Effect is a belief that the human brain focuses more on unfinished tasks rather than tasks that are yet to be started off. Therefore, if you embark on a task and allocate just 20 minutes to it, for instance, it will stay on your brain. Consequently, it will be harder for you to ignore it.
If you’re finding a work-related project scary and unsurmountable, set a 10 to 20-minute timer and undertake tasks related to the project. In doing so, the project will be broken down into an unfinished job. The brain will start to figure out how best is to complete the task.
2. Use a To-Do Focus List
ADHD individuals are often advised to start their day by noting down the most important tasks that they ought to undertake. Having a daily to-do list is an excellent way of avoiding distractions and focusing on your goals. Ensure that your list is precise and well-outlined.
3. Identify Your Triggers
ADHD symptoms only start to show when triggered by environmental forces. The brain can get overwhelmed by these triggers, and they could be anything, including specific colors, emotions, and hunger. Once the symptoms are triggered, your brain will be unable to take the necessary actions to neutralize the resultant stress. Therefore, knowing your triggers can help you deal with ADHD. You’ll be able to anticipate what’s coming your way, and thus handle it efficiently.
4. Use Your “Hyper-Focus” Power
ADHD is characterized by a supernatural hyper-focus, and you can always predict when the brain is about to get into this zone. When you find yourself in this situation, it’s advisable to hand in tasks that require maximum focus.
Get the best treatment options for ADHD from expert physicians. Click the banner below to book your appointment.
5. Don’t Aim at Achieving Perfection
The hyper-focus linked to ADHD can sometimes make you desire to achieve perfection. It’s common for ADHD individuals to be obsessed with the slightest details, and this can hamper their productivity. Therefore, handle tasks to the best of your ability without worrying about attaining perfection.
To stay focused on your tasks, it’s best to let go of unimportant thoughts and details from your mind, planners, and to-do lists. Such thoughts can worsen your anxiety, depression, and worries. When you embark on tasks with the aim of achieving perception, and you falter, your self-esteem will also take a hit.
6. Mental Clarity
If you’re having difficulties concentrating on tasks, you should try to unravel the source of the problem. When the clarity is higher, it will be easier to build your focus. In this regard, like yourself, pertinent questions such as What are my goals concerning the task? What’s my driving force? What stops me from completing the task? Once you establish the cause of your distraction, it will be easier to avoid the negativities that encourage those distractions.
Up until this point, I’ve primarily focused on the strategies that can help you become productive at the workplace. If the six adjustment tips are not enough for you, consider adding meditation and therapy to the mix. So, let’s move on to our last adjustment tip and see how it can help you stay productive at work.
7. ADHD Medication and Therapy
When it comes to relieving the symptoms of ADHD, treatment is always an excellent option for patients. Typically, treatment plans are made by psychiatrists and other mental health experts. Most treatment plans that you’ll come across also include medication.
The FDA has approved five potent drugs for managing ADHD symptoms, and these are:
1. Methylphenidate
This is an effective and highly popular drug used to treat ADHD. Methylphenidate is a stimulant, and thus increases the activity of specific parts of the brain, more so those that regulate behavior and attention. The drug can be used by ADHD patients who are above five years.
This drug’s standard prescription is a small dose of immediate-release pills, which should be taken two or three times a day, or moderate-release tablets that should be taken in the morning. The common side effects of Methylphenidate include:
- Loss of appetite
- Stomach upsets
- Trouble sleeping
- Headaches
- Mood swings
There are also other stimulants used to treat ADHD. Generally, stimulants are the most typical intervention for ADHD due to their proven record. Extensive research has also proved that stimulants are effective in treating ADHD. This class of drugs also includes Dexedrine, Adderall, and Ritalin. Common side effects of these stimulants include:
- Dizziness
- Depressing
- Tics
- Trouble Sleeping
- Increased heart rate
2. Lisdexamfetamine
This ADHD drug is primarily prescribed to patients above five years and teenagers. Lisdexamfetamine is a first-line drug that targets individuals who fail to feel any better after undergoing at least six weeks of Methylphenidate medication. It comes in the form of a capsule, which needs to be taken once daily. Common side effects of Lisdexamfetamine include:
- Aggression
- Dizziness
- Drowsiness
- Diarrhea
3. Dexamphetamine
This ADHD drug works just like Lisdexamfetamine and is available either as a tablet or an oral solution. The drug should be taken once or twice daily and can lead to various side effects, including:
- Agitation
- Loss of appetite
- Headache
- Nausea
- Mood swings
4. Atomoxetine
Compared to other ADHD drugs, Atomoxetine has a unique mechanism of action. It works by enhancing the uptake of noradrenaline. Therefore, Atomoxetine is often referred to as a selective noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor (SNRI). Increased dosage helps to control brain impulses. Atomoxetine can be prescribed to patients of all ages. It comes in capsule form and should be taken once or twice daily. Common symptoms of the drug include:
- Irritability
- Headache
- Trouble sleeping
- Dizziness
5. Guanfacine
This drug is meant to improve brain function and attention among ADHD patients. Similarly, it reduces blood pressure and anxiety, thus helping patients to calm down. Guanfacine isn’t suitable for adult ADHD patients and should be taken once a day, either in the morning or in the evening. Common side effects of Guanfacine include:
- Headaches
- Abdominal pain
- Dry mouth
- Fatigue
Indeed, pharmaceutical medications can go a long way in easing the symptoms of ADHD. For the desired results to be attained, it’s advisable to combine the medications with therapy. As an employee with ADHD, combining medication and therapy will alleviate the symptoms of the condition. As a result, it will be easier for you to adjust to your workplace.
Below are some therapies that have proven to be effective in treating ADHD.
Behavioral Therapy
This ADHD intervention involves all individuals that you interact closely within your daily life, including your colleagues and family members. Typically, behavioral therapy has a reward system that recognizes the progress you make. After embarking on treatment, you’ll be encouraged to make positive changes to your behavior and get rewarded in return. In the long run, positive behaviors will be reinforced into becoming habits.
This intervention entails the use of electrical sensors that record changes in your brain when you perform specific tasks or actions such as watching videos. When your brain stays focused on the progression of these tasks, you’ll get rewarded accordingly.
Listening Therapy
Here, various low and high frequencies of sound waves are used to improve your brain’s ability to organize data input. The high-frequency waves are typically linked to attention and concentration. Changes that are created during listening therapy sessions lead to brain plasticity and are usually permanent. When combined with body movements, sound conduction via bones can rectify overall body coordination.
Want to get FDA-approved ADHD medications. Click the button below to book your appointment.
Navigating your career can be difficult if you’re battling ADHD. Unless you incorporate these adjustment strategies into your work routine, you’ll find it challenging to deal with the work environment pressures. What works for someone else may not work for you. Therefore, you should find a strategy that can easily get incorporated into your daily career life. Alongside these strategies, it’s best to embark on medication and therapy since they will ease your ADHD symptoms and enable you to adjust to the work environment.
Contact us at Mango Clinic for ADHD treatment or click the banner below to book your appointment.