9 Excellent Tips for Lowering Stress Levels

From simple anxiety feelings to serious and daunting situations, stress is part of every person’s life. According to statistics, 60% of American adults admit that they deal with stress and anxiety daily. This number is a considerable concern. Even so, what matters more is how you keep such fears under manageable levels to remain productive and enjoy life’s beauty amid crises.
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In this article, you will learn nine simple tips to lower stress levels. Let’s expound and see how each can lower your anxiety.
Table of Contents
1. Get Quality Sleep
Are you sure of what causes your stress and anxiety? It may be your body asking for quality rest. Every subject’s body requires sleep to function optimally. Getting enough sleep positively boosts your energy, refills, and restores your body. It’s essential, and even a slight deprivation of sleep can lead to massive damage to your brain, cognition, and memory. Technically, your body can’t recuperate itself if deprived of enough sleep.
Research has it that if Americans could sleep considerably longer than they do currently, they would be healthier and happier. Lack of enough rest lists among the leading causes of negative moods and a lack of energy to carry out daily functions.
How Is Sleep Related to Stress?
If you don’t get enough night sleep, your body spontaneously increases stress hormones and keeps pushing the hormones. Consecutively, you wake up feeling more depressed and stressed the next day.
Similarly, being unable to sleep typically causes insomnia – a medical disorder that brings about an inability to sleep by keeping your mind at a hyper-arousal state.
So How Do You Give Your Body Enough Sleep?
Not having enough sleep can significantly affect your mental health, productivity, and performance. If you can’t seem to have enough sleep due to whatever reason, try following these simple steps to boost your sleep quality.
Step 1: Follow Natural and Consistent Sleep-Wake Patterns
It’s the first and very crucial step in your efforts to achieve a better night’s sleep. If you harmonize your body’s regular sleeping patterns, you’ll end up waking up more refreshed and energetic. Making even the slightest alterations in your sleep routines can stress your body while adjusting to the new changes. To achieve better sleep patterns, try the following tricks.
- Try scheduling your sleep-wake-up timings to be the same every day – This will allow your body’s internal clocks to enhance your sleep quality. If you practice the routine religiously, you will always wake up feeling refreshed and at your desired time, even without an alarm.
- Do not extend your sleeping hours during the weekends and on off-days – You may think this habit will help you compensate for the shorter hours you sleep during the working/ school days. It may have a slightly positive impact, but it comes at the price of disturbing your sleep cycle.
- Take small, powerful naps if you wake up still feeling drowsy after your regular sleeping hours.
- Don’t encourage after-dinner laziness – You can do this by not staying too long on the couch, doing something productive like washing dishes, or taking a walk.
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Step 2: Regulate Light Exposure
Your sleep-wake patterns work following melatonin hormone release, a naturally occurring hormone regulated by light exposure. Biologically, you feel sleepier in the dark due to the free release of melatonin hormone. To maintain the melatonin hormone within the ideal levels, you need to control your exposure to light both in the day and night.
During Day-Time:
- Get maximum exposure to bright sunlight. Try taking your morning coffee outside or reading your newspaper under the open sun.
- Spread your yoga mat out in the sunlight and spring yourself around nature.
- Keep your curtains open and let in as much sunlight into your house and workspace as possible.
At Night:
- Avoid using bright screens. You can dim the screens of your laptop and television if you must use them.
- If you’re reading, avoid using backlit devices since they can negatively affect your vision and sleeping pattern.
- Ensure your room is dim and cozy. Use thick curtains to conceal your windows, and if you can feel okay with it, try sleeping in a comforting dim blue light.
Step 3: Bedtime Snacks
Some people can’t fall asleep without taking a snack while others feel comfortable without taking anything after dinner. If you fall in the first category, ensure that you have a bite before retiring to bed. Some of the snacks you can try out include:
- A small whole-grain meal
- Half a chicken/ turkey sandwich
- A glass of lukewarm milk
- A banana
- A mini bowl of yogurt.
Step 4: Make Your Sleeping Environment Peaceful
A quiet resting environment will instinctively divert your brain towards rest and sleep. On the other hand, a slight change in your sleeping environment will alter your sleep quality. These tips will help make your sleeping environment peaceful.
- Ensure your bedding is comfortable. You can check if your mattress is in line with your body contours, and your bedsheets are sufficiently flexible to allow different postures while sleeping.
- Ensure your breathing is comfortable and easy. You can do this by ensuring proper ventilation and keeping your room adequately warm.
- Use earplugs to mask out road traffic noise.
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Step 5: Go Back to Sleep after a Distraction
It’s normal to be distracted while sleeping. If this happens to you, try not to stay awake and slip back into slumber. If you have trouble going back to sleep after a distraction, try these tricks.
- Just relax and avoid thinking hard about your inability to fall asleep.
- Perform simple relaxation movements like deep breathing exercises, continuous muscle relaxation techniques, concentration, and visualization.
- If you try the above tricks, but you’re still awake 15 minutes later, get up and attempt non-stimulant activities like reading under dim light. This action will strain your brain a little and bring back the urge to sleep.
- In case you are staying up at night due to something or an issue consistently troubling you and making you nervous, note it down somewhere, go back to sleep and think about it the next day.
2. Involve Your Senses for Your Revival
Your senses form your frontline defense against stress. If you can recognize the sensory feelings experienced by your body, then you can notice the wonders that come with senses. However, this requires some experience and preciseness. It requires you to narrow down what stimulates your feelings and how they communicate to your brain. Identifying your external stimulus works magic into lowering your stress and anxiety levels quickly.
For example, if you’re a music enthusiast. You can try listening to a variety of music tracks of different genres and styles. Listen to as many songs as you can and spot which type soothes your heart and helps you to relax.
Apart from songs, you can explore a wide range of sensory experiences from wherever you are and how you relate to them. Some of the sensory activities you can try include:
Explore Nature Using Your Sight
You don’t have to think so much here. Simply look around you and see what excites your eyes. Enjoy the sight and divert your attention to it. Doing this will help to ease your brain and shift your focus from your worries. It can be as simple as looking at a photo of someone you adore or your favorite moments.
Similarly, you can walk out and relish the beauty of nature. A waft of cool, fresh air will easily lift all your worries and stress. To pump it all up, try surrounding yourself with colors that make you feel comfortable. And lastly, you can top it up by adjusting your lighting to gentle blue hues.
Practice Aromatherapy
From ancient times, aromatherapy has been known and appreciated for its relaxation properties. It works by stimulating brain areas responsible for emotions and behaviors. Practicing this with essential oils is beneficial for reducing your stress levels since they aid in decreasing negative thoughts and feelings.
Some scents also have a massive impact on the brain. Therefore, you can try burning incense or lighting a fragrant candle and relax while your mind gets cozy with the fragrance. You can also experience aromatherapy by applying or inhaling essential oils. These oils can do wonders in easing your stress, treating insomnia, and lowering depression. Some essential oils that you can try out include:
- Lavender
- Bergamot
- German chamomile
- Jasmine
- Melissa
- Clary sage
- Rose
Safety Tip: A significant proportion of essential oils are mild and safe for use by adults. However, it’s necessary to follow the recommended dosage, use under proper guidelines, and look out for underlying respiratory conditions and allergies.
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Experience Touch
During critical and stressful moments, it’s crucial to indulge yourself to deal with the hard times. Handling stress can sometimes be doing something as simple as covering yourself with a delicate and warm blanket. Similarly, you can try holding a stress ball or fiddling with some toys. The texture and touch work magically in satisfying your mind and diverting your brain from the stressors.
The secret is in experiencing a soothing and warming touch. It doesn’t have to work uniformly with everyone. Simply explore and see what works best for you.
Treat Yourself to a Favorite Meal
How to lower stress levels? Reveling on your favorite meal can assist in lowering your stress levels, mostly if you do it mindfully. Mindless eating habits will end up increasing your stress levels, whereas eating in moderation will cheer up your senses and reduce your anxiety.
Certain foods are great at relieving and lowering your anxiety. The reason can either be the relieving properties in the nutrition or your attachment and pleasure towards having the meal.
According to studies, chewing gum works as a remedy to stress and anxiety. The sugarless chewing gums help in lowering the salivary cortisol levels during stressful moments. Similarly, a piece of gum assists in soothing nerves and deviates your focus from your stress source.
Options on what foods and meals to try are endless. It can range from an enticing piece of chocolate to a steaming cup of coffee. You don’t have to think deeply about this. Simply try simple things and see what works best for you. Sometimes a bunch of almonds or a carrot is just enough to do the trick.
Favorite Sound
Music elicits a significant impact on your mood and brain. Listening to calming music has shown positive effects on lowering stress and anxiety. Many people fancy meditating and relaxing music. However, if the uplifting beats are your thing, then feel free to enjoy them.
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3. Practice Yoga and Breathing Exercise
From ancient years, yoga has been known as an effective antidote for stress and anxiety. Even today, celebrities and high-end individuals with nerve-racking routines, those with deskbound lifestyles and daunting workloads, use yoga to eradicate the stress that comes with their daily lives.
Yoga is a mixture of various techniques that all serve a similar purpose to relax your brain and put you in the best state of health. To successfully relieve your worries through yoga, you should set a consistent routine involving regular intervals and then stick to it.
Check out this yoga plan for a kick-start. It’s more straightforward and easily adaptable.
Which Components of Yoga Are Necessary for Stress Relief?
As mentioned earlier, yoga is a bunch of techniques that can quickly ease your nerves and help you calm down. Some of these activities include:
- Workouts
- Breathing and control exercises
- Relaxation exercises
- Clearing up your mind
Let’s now expound on each and see how you can benefit from practicing them.
Yoga workouts include specific postures and stretches. The physical practice of these signs is termed as “hatha yoga.” There is a further difference in hatha yoga. It involves a slow-paced movement and stretches, while at other times, it involves a fast-paced action similar to a routine treatment exercise.
Because your primary goal for doing yoga workouts is to relieve stress and relax your brain, you can go ahead and experiment with both styles. Get what works best for you and stick by it.
How Do Workouts Relieve Stress?
Almost all workouts relieve stress by releasing endorphins. These are natural hormones that help the body eliminate stress. While doing exercises, remember to do some stretches because they are equally crucial in relieving anxiety and stress. They work wonders by relaxing your body muscles.
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If you frequently stretch your body, you help yourself by releasing tension in particular areas like the neck, shoulders, and lower back. Alongside easing your nerves and relieving you of stress, exercises and stretches are also very good for your general well-being.
Breathing and Control Exercises
Although breathing is an automatic function of your body, yoga can help you control its efficiency significantly. Practicing yoga increases your awareness of the breathing routine; hence you get to master how to regulate the cycle.
Deep breathing exercises are the most widely used remedy for stress in the modern era. Let’s see how breathing works the magic.
How Do Breathing Exercises Ease Your Nerves?
Over the years, Buddhists and eastern healers have held on to the belief that breathing is the central foundation of brain regulation and functioning. Research also proves that breathing exercises help improve the brain’s intellectual functions and allow positive thought generation. Consecutively, this phenomenon eases stress and anxiety.
A study done by Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience and the Global Brain Health Institute at Trinity in 2018 states that practical breathing exercises affect the human brain’s norepinephrine levels.
Norepinephrine is a chemical messenger released when you get emotionally aroused, challenged, or focused. Having a balance of the chemical means you will stay more positive, focused, and not nervous.
Clearing up Your Mind
During stress conditions, the human mind is always racing, and thoughts usually come one after another. These will then result in overthinking or dwelling on the incidents that caused your stress, which will do nothing more than heighten your panic levels. The result is you remain with a tired and stressed mind.
Yoga is an effective way to clear your mind and resolve all unsorted matters. One successful way of clearing your mind is concentrating on your breathing pattern. This method utilizes a combination of yoga and breathing.
In this process, you have to concentrate on every exhale and inhale and stop overthinking about whatever is troubling your brain. Try eliminating the negative thoughts out of your mind whenever you exhale.
This regimen requires a lot of concentration to make your brain divert from stress and attain maximum calmness. If you master it, you’ll enjoy the peace you’ll experience afterward.
Relaxation Exercises
Every yoga session has a span of 10-15 minutes of relaxation spent in a specific posture called “savasana.” It may be hard to attain an enforced peace at first, but you will gradually notice your full body resting and every part at a relaxed stance.
Savasana (the act of slowly relaxing one body part at a time, along with a single muscle, while meditating on one thought at a time) is a fragment of relaxation that drags your body from the uncertainties to a peaceful and refreshed state of mind. It enables you to fight daily life stress and helps you to reset back to a calm state.
Relaxation exercises offer a more promising way of achieving most of the meditation, and impressively reduce your anxiety and nervousness.
4. Avoid Procrastination
On many occasions, you may fiddle with various things like a financial burden, deadlines, emotional needs, or even life-threatening events. All these occurrences intensify your stress, and you may feel helpless or lack the willpower to face your stressors.
Almost everyone in America is conversant with the phenomenon of procrastination. It makes you spend all your free time worrying about your vital tasks, which you’re unable to accomplish, and they remain a continuous cause for dispute and fear in your brain.
The long-term procrastinators have this stress pattern circled up for their entire life by postponing the critical things, slugging on responsibilities, and continuing in a state of depression.
Don’t allow procrastination to ruin your life by boosting depression and stress. Here are precise steps you can take to stop procrastination. They are straightforward and can easily apply to your stressful life.
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Step 1: Try Changing the Environment
Different environments have various impacts on your brain and productivity. If you’re stressed due to any cause, such as your work task, what feeling will you get by staring at the papers’ stack? I bet it’s NEGATIVE.
In stressful moments, your work area starts looking like a torture cell. It will make you flee from the task; procrastinate about how horrible it is, or just sleep. Try altering the location or shifting to another room as this will make you feel rejuvenated and relaxed.
You can also spend some time on the lawn or terrace. A waft of fresh air will calm your brain and help you focus again, and then you can start working on your task over again, with positivity and a better mindset.
Step 2: Hangout with Inspirational Individuals
The kind of people you spend time with have a significant influence on your behavior and moods. Conversing with an inspiring or motivating individual can significantly change your perception of how you see things even for just a few minutes.
Surround yourself with people who can lift your mood and help you eliminate your agitation through their intelligent and intellectual management skills.
A productive chat with a hard worker or a go-getter instills positivity in you and can help you manage your unsettled matters to eradicate stress.
Step 3: Avoid Overcomplicating Your Situation
Are you in any of these situations, waiting for the correct time to act on everything, or hoping for things to improve on their own or stress washing away suddenly? Then it’s time you change your perspective.
Nothing will materialize unless you put your efforts into creating a peaceful change in your life. Discard all your troubling thoughts and try to disconnect yourself from all the chaos in your brain.
Believing in superstition, overthinking, pondering, over-stressing, or making assumptions are all fertile grounds for developing long-term depression and stress.
Be realistic and straightforward. Instead of overcomplicating your situation, take small steps, and work towards resolving your issues.
One of the reasons many people drown in depression entails running after perfectionism. Go for natural conditions and their real results. When your situation is less complicated, it becomes easier to face, resolve, and get out of your stress and frustration.
Step 4: Clarify Your Goals
Procrastinating over a long time often diverts your brain, seemingly making you busy worrying about other less-important issues instead of growing your goals and aspirations. You, in turn, start feeling frustrated and allow in nervousness and anxiety. Stress then diverts your focus from your pursuits and the actions you need to take to achieve them.
So, how can you remedy the concern? Get some time off your day to cool down in a quiet location, pause, and meditate on your goals. Re-visit the achievements you desired to accomplish and figure out the steps you have taken into achieving them.
Ask yourself how relevant the actions you need to take are, or else think about the flaws and the adjustments you need to make.
You also need to ask yourself if the actions you take are in line with your goals. If they don’t, then figure out what you can do to achieve what you want.
Doing proper planning will help you in achieving what you want and avoid getting stressed again.
Step 5: Strategize and Take Actions
When going through a worrying phase, many people continuously lament the terrible situation but take no action. Sadly, no changes occur if you don’t act. As a result, you don’t have a reason to sit idle and keep worrying over the pending tasks. What you need to do is put some quality time into strategizing and planning on how you can solve the situation.
Procrastination is like a chain, and breaking through it isn’t easy. If you want to be free, you must first take charge of your willpower and thoughts.
5. Get an Emotional Support Animal
An emotional support animal is your animal companion during tormenting moments like stress, depression, emotional disorders, or disability. They offer affection, companionship, and support to reduce the psychological impacts of health conditions and problems.
To many people, dogs are the best emotional support animals, but some still prefer other animals like cats or miniature horses. People relate differently to different animals, so whatever your choice is, go for it.
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How Can ESA Help in Easing Your Nerves?
Having a furry friend during your worst moments could be the ultimate therapy you need to calm down. Some of the ways your furry friend can help you feel relaxed and relieved include the following.
Keeping an Esa Can Enhance the Release of Neurotransmitters
Because of their binding capabilities and love, ESA’s boost the release of mood-regulating neurochemicals such as dopamine. This chemical is associated with stimulating the feeling of pleasure and can help you calm down fast.
Looking in the dog’s eyes is associated with boosting these neurotransmitters. The experience leads you to feel less stressed and diverts your attention to caring more about the feeling and attachment.
When feeling stressed, like many others, you may want to be alone or away from other people. However, depriving yourself of love and affection at this time could be dangerous and aggravate your condition much further.
However, having a supportive animal friend will compensate for the loneliness your heart may feel and simplify your recovery process. They also give a sense of security and eliminate stress.
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An ESA Helps in Staying Stress-Free, Especially Those Having a Height Phobia
Many people experience a lot of stress when commuting by airplane. Some don’t do planes completely due to a phobia of height. If you also dread heights, then this could be your chance to enjoy life without fear.
Many states allow people diagnosed with mental problems, including stress, to board airplanes with their emotional support animals.
If you tend to encounter stress attacks, carrying your ESA to the plane will benefit your condition.
Petting and taking care of animals relieve anxiety and will divert your brain away from what’s happening around you. Since the pet will most probably require your attention the entire flight, you won’t have a chance to stress about the height anymore.
- The unconditional attachment you have with your ESA, irrespective of the time or place, will help even out your mood and thoughts.
- An ESA can be incorporated into your treatment plan to hasten the process.
ESA helps as a treatment model and relieves several mental health complications supplemented by pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments.
They work perfectly with cognitive-behavioral treatments to ease symptoms’ impacts and enable you to go about your daily life without concerns surrounding stress and other underlying mental issues.
Stabilize Stress Attacks
Matters get complicated and difficult to handle in case of a stress attack caused by emotional dysregulation. At such moments, these animals give generous support and make the situation more manageable.
While stressed, you mostly find yourself fearful, anxious, and unable to settle down. The ESAs can offer you a stable state supportive posture to help you deviate your focus from the stressors.
The whole idea of emotional support animals works wonders with animals in a neutral state. More so, if you opt for ESAs that are neither stressed nor depressed and cuddle around you, notwithstanding your condition.
6. Exercises – the Evidence-Based Method That Has Proven to Be Effective
Do you have a list of ongoing stressors, or have you tried many methods to relieve yourself but to no avail? Are you on the verge of giving it all up? Don’t do that just yet. There are simple lifestyle options you can try out first. Exercise is one of them and has been tested and proven to be a very effective stress reliever. The reason being—physical activity aids in relieving pressure in the entire body and brain.
So How Does Exercise Ease Stress?
Exercise causes physiological variations that improve general body oxygen and blood supply. It also enhances the release of endorphins_ the “happy-state” neurotransmitters, which actively fix your mood. When released, they bring about a feeling of wellbeing and euphoria.
Besides lowering your stress levels, exercise also aids in keeping you fit and in good health condition.
How Many Exercises Do You Require?
According to the American Heart Association, a human needs 150 minutes of moderate aerobic workouts every week.
- Breaking the duration to 30 minutes daily for five working days makes it more achievable and reachable.
- If you have commitments and you lack much time to concentrate on one thing, the 30 minutes a day plan can work well for you.
- While doing workouts, engage your more extensive muscle group and infuse stretching exercises at the end of every session.
- Ending your workouts with stretching exercises helps relieve pain and continuous pressure over your joints, making you feel relaxed.
What Type of Exercises Do You Need?
Any type of exercise can help in easing your worries and stress. However, you should consult your physician. A certified doctor can help you watch out for red flags before you start.
If you suffer from cardiac and respiratory issues, you’ll need to be more careful because some of the exercises may not be good for your well-being.
Although no single program can be suitable for everyone, don’t go overboard thinking of the right exercises for you. Try these activities and see how much relaxation they bring to you.
- Playing games outdoor
- Brisk walking
- Cycling
- Jogging
- Dancing
- Swimming
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If you want to incorporate more stretching and strengthening activities, you can use external weights and stitching bands.
Exercise can be any bodily activity that helps raise your cardiac output, relieves your stress, and maintains general body fit.
To some, physical activities such as gardening, washing dishes, or cleaning may prove to be satisfactory. If you find these exciting, you can go ahead and enjoy them.
7. Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness is your essential ability to understand and acknowledge your surroundings and mental state, and reactions to your external environment.
Since it’s an inherent natural phenomenon, it’s always available, especially when undergoing stress and panic, as long as you practice it daily.
The Necessary Steps Involved in Practicing Mindfulness
Mindfulness offers an excellent opportunity to create some positive space between you and your reactions.
Stress is caused when you fail to understand and react accordingly to issues and the surrounding environment. Practicing mindfulness at this point will save you a lot—here are the steps to follow to master mindfulness.
Step 1: Plan Some Time
You do not require any special equipment or special preparation. You only need to set aside a particular place and time. Take some time off your schedules, go to your secret and quiet place. Focus on the process.
Step 2: Focus on the Present
Alongside achieving inner peace and calming your brain, you’d also want to emphasize the present. You need to understand what causes you stress without being judgmental or biased.
To achieve this, you have to train your troubled and worried brain to stay neutral and attempt to find a typical perspective of circumstances and moments resulting in panic.
Step 3: Ignore Your Judgment
When going through a stressful situation, your brain pulls out negative thoughts and draws conclusions on all things happening around you. You lack positivity in how you think, and the condition worsens as the stress develops further.
To fight this, simply pay attention to your present without judging or drawing negative conclusions and thoughts. Just focus on the positive features of the whole situation.
Step 4: Hold on to Your Focus Point
Brains are typically carried away with thoughts. Practice staying grounded with your focus, besides, keep concentrating on it. The main goal of mindfulness is to help you get back to your thinking point repeatedly.
Step 5: Be Patient with Your Struggling Mind
This is the most crucial part of the process. Learn to keep calm and tolerate your wandering brain. Desist from judging or blaming yourself in any way. It’s okay if you can’t feel optimistic about anything. Accept the thoughts crossing your mind and drive back to your focal point gently.
The practice isn’t easy, and mastering it requires consistent practice and patience. However, the results are worth the struggle and more.
8. Play Reviving Video Games
Dealing with stress from time to time isn’t a new aspect of today’s life. If your condition is unwavering and a long-term concerning the situation, you may want to forget your worries and feel relaxed. Try video games. Many people think that video gaming is childish and a waste of time. Well, many of these games are created with a lot of emphases and are very good for the health of your brain.
Some of the exciting video games that you can enjoy anytime anywhere include:
Bubble Wrap
This game is excellent for killing stress. Its idea is drawn from the original bubble wrap, in which people enjoy popping out bubbles. It’s so sweet that you can now get it on your device and play it virtually anywhere.
If you press the bubbles on your screen, they burst and carry your worries away with the popping movements. When they pop, they also assist you in doing away with destructive thoughts.
Find the free app and download it for free. It’s easy to play, and so you can kick into the game even in the queue, at the bus stop, or while on a journey.
The app is optimized with various colors, and calming sounds perfect for kicking the stress out of your system.
Colour Break
Are you an artist, or you just find it fun experiencing colors? This app allows you to dig into digital skills and forget about your worries. To draw the patterns, you will use either your finger or a stylus if you have one.
It makes you concentrate on your creativity while effectively diverting your brain from your stressors the entire day. What’s even better? You get an opportunity to share your patterns with friends from anywhere.
It has an exciting, colorful build, interactive features, and grants you the ability to share your finished patterns with anyone through email; these features make it an awesome option. Download the app today and build your painting skills while you keep your nerves calm.
Personal Zen
This is another excellent opportunity to keep stress at bay. This app is designed with the help of neuroscientists. It has shown positive impacts on users battling mental disorders and anxiety.
According to many research pieces, the researchers say that playing it a few times weekly 5-10 minutes is beneficial.
If you have much time at your disposal, continue playing it because the longer you play, the better your results. Similarly, it trains your brain on creating a focus on positive thinking.
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9. Seek Stress Medication and Counselling
If you don’t deal with stress sooner, it may manifest itself through several symptoms that affect your mind and body’s chemically driven functions. However, chronic stress and anxiety may take longer to diminish.
If you tried all the other remedies and nothing seems to change, then it may be time you thought of seeking medication, counseling, or both to help you calm down.
Before using any medication, ensure that:
- You read through the precautionary note.
- The drug you are taking is FDA-approved.
- You take medication only when prescribed by a certified medical expert.
The most prominent drug categories commonly prescribed to curb stress and anxieties include:
Central Nervous System Depressants (Sedatives)
These drugs act by constraining the central nervous system (brain) and inducing favorable impacts such as reduced anxiety, relaxation, and sleepiness. Even so, if taken in high dosage, they can lead to adverse effects including:
- Breathing impairment
- Loss of consciousness
- Slurred speech
- Poor cognition
They can also be fatal if a subject overdoses.
The most widely used are benzodiazepines (alprazolam, Diazepam) and barbiturates. Both types perform on various GABA neurotransmitter sites situated in the brain and produce relaxing effects.
As their name suggests, so is their function. They are used in extreme depressive disorders and relative conditions. They are often given for stress management due to the strong correlation of depression with anxiety and the fact that their medication can be used interchangeably.
The strongest antidepressants used today are known as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)
The serotonin hormone regulates mood and behavior changes in the brain and taking it generates adverse emotional effects such as anxiety, stress, and depression.
SSRI ensures that serotonin remains for more extended periods and goes on regulating mood and emotional balance. They’re not addictive, but known side effects include:
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Sleep disturbance.
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Nutritional Supplements
Nutritional supplements are commonly used to treat stress and anxiety as a form of herbal antidote. Some of the widely used herbal medications include:
- Kava
- Chamomile
- Hops
- Motherwort
- Passionflower
Although most of these substances occur naturally and are harvested, you should still be very cautious. Some specific combinations and doses may affect other body health conditions.
As a result, you should only take medication (whether herbal or clinical) strictly under the recommendations of a certified health practitioner.
Whatever the cause of your stress, the pressure will consume your life if you leave it unattended. You can use many ways to relieve yourself from stress, and counseling is one of them.
What’S Stress Counseling?
Stress counseling refers to the involvement of a professional or certified psychotherapist in consultations and treatment for your stress management plan. Counselling offers various strategies, and you may need to go for several treatment sessions, depending on your mental conditions.
Benefits of Counselling
Counseling is a tried and tested and effective method of managing stress. It works perfectly in conjunction with other management methods.
Cognitive behavior therapy is one of the most successful strategies and most commonly used.
Some of the benefits of counseling include:
- Offering the opportunity to diffuse the effects of stressors
- Lessen long-term and short-term work-related issues
- Assists you in experiencing the brighter side of life
- Improve cognition
- Integrates different exercises and techniques to manage stress
- Boosts self-esteem and self-confidence
- Talking therapies give you room to let go of your worries and unsettled disputes.
The list goes on and on. Counseling opens doors to a lot of possibilities.
Stress is part and parcel of human life. But still, your health is way more important than the issues that keep worrying you. The best weapon to arm yourself with is how to combat it because you will have to deal with problems in one way or the other. This article has expounded on several ways you can manage stress and remain productive even in the worst storm.
Select what works best for you and follow the routine. Book an appointment today to restore your mental well-being.